Individual clients | United Bulgarian Bank - UBB
Being client-centric we at UBB fulfill the full potential of our membership in a big bank-insurance group as KBC Group, and through our diverse porfolio of products, services and digtal plarforms we respond to each need of every client.
С фокус върху клиентите ние в ОББ реализираме пълния потенциал на принадлежността си към голяма банково-застрахователна група, каквато е KBC Груп и чрез богатото си портфолио от продукти, услуги и дигитални платформи откликваме на всяка потребност и …
UBB - Online Banking
UBB business clients can register for the online banking functionality at a branch of the bank. Business clients at UBB Online have the opportunity to use a completely new Trade Finance menu. In it, users have access to detailed information about Bank Guarantees, Letters of Credit and Documentary Collection.
Branches and ATMs | United Bulgarian Bank - ubb.bg
About UBB; UBB and KBC Bank; Online/Mobile; Branches and ATMs; UBB Online. UBB Mobile. UPAY. KBC Online Banking. KBC Mobile Bulgaria. 0700 1 17 17.
United Bulgarian Bank - Wikipedia
United Bulgarian Bank (UBB) is a Bulgarian commercial bank. It is the first and largest banking consolidation project in Bulgaria, accomplished through the merger of 22 state-owned commercial banks. UBB was established on 30 September 1992. UBB …
UBB - Online Banking
Бизнес клиентите имат възможност да се възползват от изцяло ново меню Търговско финансиране в ОББ Онлайн. В него потребителите имат достъп до детайлна …
United Bulgarian Bank, Bulgaria | Head office, website, phone, …
2023年1月16日 · United Bulgarian Bank AD (Obedinena balgarska banka or UBB) is one of the largest banks in Bulgaria with domestic operations.
United Business Bank | Personal & Business Banking
Open a Simply Checking account with no monthly maintenance fee*! With mobile banking, you can take United Business Bank with you wherever you go. Save a trip to your branch - deposit checks to your business account from anywhere, 24/7. United Business Bank understands the needs of our Labor and Business Communities.
United Bulgarian Bank AD (Bulgaria) - Bank Profile - TheBanks.eu
Learn about United Bulgarian Bank AD, specializing in universal banking. Explore its financial positions, market share, credit ratings, deposit guarantee, bank identifiers, contacts, social networks.
UBB Online | United Bulgarian Bank
UBB Online provides you with access to your funds anywhere, worldwide. You can make transfers, pay taxes and bills, monitor and control your funds in UBB. Reports and financial information. Balance of your accounts in UBB; Statements of your accounts and credit cards; Report on your payables to utility companies