UBC Faculty & Staff Email (FASmail) - UBC Information Technology
The UBC Faculty & Staff Email (FASmail) service is an enterprise email service for eligible staff, faculty and student employees of the University of British Columbia. Specific information about the service:
FASmail - Setup Documents - UBC Information Technology
The setup documents listed below are step-by-step instructions for configuring your email client to use the UBC Faculty and Staff email (FASmail) service. While setup documentation for various Email applications are provided below, we recommend using the Outlook Web App to …
FASmail (UBC Faculty & Staff Email) - UBC Information Technology
The service is now in production and ready to use, and all active faculty and staff should be using the FASmail (Faculty & Staff Email) service or Mercury Exchange 2007, depending on the faculty.
FASmail - FAQ - UBC Information Technology
The FASmail service uses the UBC Enterprise Active Directory service which is integrated with CWL. Your primary CWL account username and password will be used for authentication.
FASmail - Client-Side Spam Filtering | UBC Information Technology
In our efforts to curb SPAM, we have added SPAM identification features to our FASmail email service. Two methods of SPAM detection have been implemented: An incoming mail message's originating IP address is checked in a database to see if it …
FASmail allows for scheduling conflict-free meetings with other FASmail users. You start by clicking on “New Meeting”, to find a free timeslot for the meeting. You will get an Email reply back once your meeting has been confirmed by the recipient FASmail user.
Service Catalogue - UBC Information Technology
These are the most commonly used services for faculty and staff. They include teaching tools, audio-visual presentation tools, FASmail, and more.
Voicemail and Unified Messaging | UBC Information Technology
UBC currently provides two types of service: Unified Messaging: Integrates voice mail with email. Voice mail messages and options can be accessed via Outlook, Outlook Web Access, and over the phone.
UBC Faculty & Staff Email Request Form
FASmail User Mailbox: User mailboxes consist a [email protected] email address and a 1GB mailbox. FASmail Generic/Departmental Mailbox: Generic mailboxes are typically role-based accounts (e.g. Research Assistant) or service-based accounts (e.g. Help Desk) that are accessed by one or more users. FASmail Application Mailbox
FASmail: How To Find and Add a .pst File to Outlook
FASmail: How To Find and Add a .pst File to Outlook This document explains how to search for an Outlook .pst file and then add it to your Outlook profile. An Outlook .pst file is a file stored on your local computer containing email messages, calendar items and contacts that you have chosen to store offline.