Wealth Management & Asset Management - Union Bancaire Privée
6 天之前 · Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) is a family-owned and truly independent Swiss private bank, which caters to private and institutional clients. Deeply rooted in Switzerland, UBP’s heritage is one of excellence, stability, discretion and professionalism. Today, UBP manages over CHF 150 billion in assets under management.
e-banking Union Bancaire Privée
All our online banking solutions are accessible using a secure connection with an ‘https://’ address and use extended-validation (EV) digital certificates.
主页 - Union Bancaire Privée
6 天之前 · UBP Dubai 瑞联银行是一家独立的瑞士家族所有私人银行,为私人和机构客户提供服务。 瑞联银行立足瑞士,秉持卓越、稳定、审慎、专业的传统,目前的管理资产规模超过 1500 亿瑞士法郎。
Union Bancaire Privée - Wikipedia
Union Bancaire Privée (UBP SA) is a private bank and wealth management firm headquartered in Geneva. UBP is one of the largest private banks in Switzerland, and serves private and institutional clients. The bank was founded in 1969 by Edgar de Picciotto.
瑞联银行 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
瑞联银行 (中文简称「瑞联」,英文名称Union Bancaire Privée,英文简称UBP SA) 于1969年由Edgar de Picciotto 创办,乃资本实力最雄厚的私人银行之一,是瑞士财富管理业的主要业者,管理资产总值1,604亿瑞士法郎。
瑞聯銀行 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
瑞聯銀行 (中文簡稱「瑞聯」,英文名稱Union Bancaire Privée,英文簡稱UBP SA) 於1969年由Edgar de Picciotto 創辦,乃資本實力最雄厚的私人銀行之一,是瑞士財富管理業的主要業者,管理資產總值1,604億瑞士法郎。
UNION BANCAIRE PRIVEE, UBP SA (Switzerland) - Bank Profile
Founded in 1969 by Edgar de Picciotto as Compagnie de Banque et d’Inves-tissements (CBI), Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) is a Swiss private bank, one of the largest family-owned private banks in the world. UBP is focused on providing wealth management solutions for private and institutional clients.
Discover UBP | Wealth & Asset Management - Union Bancaire Privée
Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) is a family-owned and truly independent Swiss private bank, which caters to private and institutional clients. Deeply rooted in Switzerland, UBP’s heritage is one of excellence, stability, discretion and professionalism. Today, UBP manages over CHF 150 billion in assets under management.
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Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA
Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) is a Swiss private bank headquartered in Geneva with some 2,094 people in 20 locations around the world. It was founded in 1969 by Edgar de Picciotto and specialises in private banking and asset management.