long-haul applications. The UBT-T XP is an outdoor dual transceiver unit operating in the lower frequency bands, 6 to 11 GHz, with a market leading RF output power of +37 dBm. Using advanced radio and carrier aggregation technologies, the UBT-T XP efficiently supports backhaul with both multi-gigabit capacity and low latency.
Nokia launches new UBT-T XP Dual Band Radio at Mobile World …
2022年2月24日 · Nokia’s UBT-T XP unique dual-band solution provides a channel at 6Ghz and a channel at 11Ghz in a single outdoor unit. The UBT-T XP supports multi-frequency carrier aggregation with mixed channel sizes and high modulation schemes that …
Long-haul portfolio | Nokia.com
Leveraging a highly advanced radio and carrier aggregation, the UBT-T XP, like other UBTs, efficiently supports backhaul with both multi-gigabit capacity and low latency. UBT-T XP can be combined the Outdoor Channel Aggregator (OCA) to support mobile operators looking to expand the reach and capacity of their networks for rural broadband ...
Nokia Introduces a Dual Band Microwave Radio at MWC Barcelona …
2022年3月4日 · Nokia’s UBT-T XP unique dual-band solution provides a channel at 6 GHz and a channel at 11 GHz in a single outdoor unit. The UBT-T XP supports multi-frequency carrier aggregation with mixed channel sizes and high modulation schemes that …
High-power microwave radios for backhaul needs | Nokia
2024年10月17日 · Building on our exploration of microwave connectivity, Nokia's high-power microwave radio portfolio, UBT-T XP, supports frequencies ranging from 6GHz to 18GHz. Recently, Nokia introduced an industry-leading 18GHz product with high +31dBm output power, further enhancing its microwave radio portfolio.
Nokia Customer Support Portal
Support Portal provides access to various services for Nokia Customers and Partners, such as Product Documentation, SW Downloads, Ticket Creation and Case Handling.
#MWC22 | Nokia launches UBT-T XP Dual Band Radio
2022年2月26日 · Nokia is showcasing the UBT-T XP Dual Band radio, the latest addition to its award-winning Wavence product family, at Mobile World Congress 2022. Designed to support mobile operators and enterprises, the extreme high-power outdoor unit delivers high-capacity and dual-carrier functionality with the best system gain available in an outdoor package.
UE -- UBT、UHT与反射基本理解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Unreal Build Tool(UBT)和Unreal Header Tool (UHT)两个协同工作来生成运行时反射需要的数据。 UBT属性通过扫描头文件,记录任何至少有一个反射类型的头文件的模块。
2020年5月15日 · UBT的参数最基本上是一个 Target 。 不过为了省事,也可以直接看想要编译的项目的配置页面中启动UBT的命令行:.bat后面的就是参数,这些参数在.bat中会直接传递给UBT的exe。 2.调试. 然后给UBT的属性面板加上这些参数: 然后设置为启动项目: 然后确保处于 debug …
公司简介 - Ubtrobot.com
优必选是全球极少数具备人形机器人全栈式技术能力的公司,包括行业领先的人形机器人硬件与控制技术(机器人运动规划和控制技术、高性能伺服驱动器)、人工智能技术(仿人大脑、仿人小脑)、机器人与人工智能融合技术(SLAM 及自主技术、视觉伺服操作与人机交互),以及机器人操作系统应用框架ROSA2.0。 公司是全球极少数完成从小扭矩到大扭矩的伺服驱动器批量生产的公司,自主研发的人形机器人Walker是中国首个商业化双足真人尺寸人形机器人。 截至2024年6 …