How to track your application - UCAS
Once you have sent your application, you can see its progression in your UCAS Hub. Use this page to learn how it works and log in.
燃点教育英国本科攻略005期:如何查看申请的进度? - 知乎
Step1: 登录Track; Step2: 提醒事项——对申请者; Step3: 忘记密码? 事实上,UCAS官网有一个录取进度的在线查看系统——Track 。申请人可以通过借助Track系统来查看进展情况。具体步骤如下: Step1: 登录Track. 打开Track系统:UCAS - Track. 图源:UCAS官网:Track
Sign in - UCAS
Track your application; Interviews and auditions; Decisions and offers; Results and Clearing
After you apply - UCAS
Now you have applied, learn how to track your UCAS application and make changes. Also learn about interviews, auditions, results, confirmation and clearing.
Student sign in - UCAS
Which sign in do I use – Apply or Track? Apply to courses and set up your account through the Apply link. Once you’ve submitted your information to us, you’ll receive your welcome email to Track – which you’ll be using to keep up-to-date with your application.
Your guide to using UCAS Hub (formerly UCAS Track) - Whatuni
2024年5月8日 · UCAS Hub is an online service from UCAS that lets you see how your university applications are progressing, accept interview invitations or offers, and reply to universities about your offers. You can also use UCAS Hub on results day and secure a …
UCAS Hub (Formerly UCAS Track) - Uni Compare
2023年10月3日 · UCAS Hub (formerly known as UCAS Track) is your UCAS application once it is submitted. It turns into the Hub for you to be able to track your progress on your application, accept or decline offers and even defer or switch your university course details.
2023年10月7日 · 申请人可通过UCAS Track在线平台查询申请状态,登录UCAS官网即可查看申请进展和大学回复等信息。 此外,大部分大学官网也提供了申请状态查询功能,提供更详细的申请进展情况。
UCAS Hub - Sign up today
Explore your options, compare courses, follow a simple to-do list and save your favourites as you go. UCAS Hub gives you everything you need all in one place, sign up today and start your journey.
Tracker homepage - UCAS
Already applied through UCAS? Log into your account; Postgraduate performing arts at a conservatoire; Research options
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