A2A Accessible to All – United Church of Christ Disabilities
“A2A” Stands For “Accessible to All”. A2A is the terminology used within the United Church to refer to congregations that have completed the Accessible to All process and thereby made the commitment to be physically and attitudinally welcoming of people with disabilities.
A2A Guide – United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries - UCCDM
The UCCDM Board of Directors has created a guide to help local Congregations, Association, and Conferences become Accessible to ALL (A2A)! This guide is designed to be used in conjunction with the Accessibility Audit and A2A checklist.
United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries – on a mission to …
The United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries (UCCDM), is on a mission to make the United Church of Christ (UCC) Accessible to All (A2A). We envisions a world in which all people are included in the fullness of life because they are created in the image of God.
The UCC Disabilities Ministries (UCCDM) Board of Directors launched a campaign to invite church bodies, especially local congregations, to become accessible to all (A2A). Eleven years later we find that while several Conference Inclusion Teams exist, only a few congregations have sought to achieve the designation of “A2A.”
With Access Sunday near, members of 'A2A' church say checklist is ...
2022年8月19日 · Because no step toward making a church accessible is too small. That’s the advice from the people at Claremont (Calif.) United Church of Christ, an “A2A” congregation. Short for “ Accessible to All,” that label means a church has been deliberate about breaking down barriers to its building and services.
United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries Accessible to All (A2A ...
By completing this form you are telling the United Church of Christ that the congregation you represent desires to become an officially designated Accessible to All (A2A) congregation. UCCDM...
Disability Ministries - Southern New England Conference of the UCC
Accessible to All (A2A) is a process and designation used within the United Church of Christ to refer to congregations that have made a commitment to be physically and attitudinally welcoming of people with disabilities. The A2A process has for many years been defined by the A2A resource Any Body, Everybody, Christ’s Body.
Resources – United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries - UCCDM
Looking for resources to become an A2A congregation? Check out our A2A Resource and Information page. UCCDM Disability Etiquette Trifold- PRINTABLE PDF! A2A Disability Etiquette Guide 2018 PDF by UCCDM also available in print, contact UCCDM for availability. What does the UCCDM Logo Symbolize?
A2A - Kent United Church of Christ
We are intentional about including persons with physical disabilities in all aspects of our ministry at Kent United Church of Christ. Five handicapped-accessible restrooms are located within our church building, two on the upper level, and three on the lower level.
Conference Accessibility Team - Southern California Nevada …
Sometimes in the wider Church, our UCC community uses “A2A” which is shorthand for Accessibility to All. This is a broad but important statement. It includes issues of vision, hearing, mobility and information processing. Being intentional about accessibility is an issue of hospitality and the radical welcome we are called to share.