UCC Brand Guidelines - United Church of Christ
These Identity Standards provide the guidelines for proper use of the various United Church of Christ (UCC) visual identity elements recently refined to provide a refreshed, updated and consistent look to the UCC Brand.
God's Comma - United Church of Christ
The comma is part of the most recent advertising campaign of the UCC. The punch line is, “Don’t put a period where God has put a comma.” That’s a good line.
Comma - First Congregational United Church of Christ …
Our doors say, “God’s Doors Are Open To All”. To our community, that means that “No matter who you are and where you are on your faith journey, YOU are welcome here.” God’s Comma. The comma is part of a 2004 advertising campaign of …
New UCC logo reflects, complements denomination's Purpose, …
2017年6月6日 · The new logo retains an updated version of the traditional element of the UCC comma — a much-loved and widely used emblem of the United Church of Christ introduced as part of the “God is still speaking,” identity campaign.
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God’s Comma
I am wearing a comma lapel pin that was given to me by my good friend and United Church of Christ minister, Chuck Wildman. The comma is part of the most recent advertising campaign of the UCC. The punch line is, “Don’t put a period where God has put a comma.” That’s a good line. I asked Chuck who said that, which famous theologian.
Normandy Park UCC | About the Comma
Ron Buford, a UCC pastor, came across a quote by Gracie Allen, advising us to "Never place a period where God has placed a comma." While the UCC recognizes the Bible, various creeds of the historical Church, and past theologians as important and relevant, it also affirms that, in the words of Congregational minister (and UCC forbearer) John ...
About | UCC Brainerd
For UCC, the Comma is a new way to proclaim, “Our Faith is 2,000 years old, our thinking is not.” The Comma invites us to believe that God speaks through other people, nature, music, art, a theorem, the Bible, and in so many other ways.
The primary UCC logo consists of an updated comma emblem and the words “United Church of Christ” using ‘Regencie’ as the type face. Gill Sans can also be used in conjunction with the Primary UCC Logo. The UCC’s tagline: God is still speaking, (words followed by comma) is an option to use with the logo (see below). Usage
Why the Comma? - Irvine United Congregational Church
IUCC uses the Comma as a symbol of their commitment to the "God is still speaking" movement in the United Church of Christ. The Comma invites us to believe that God speaks in many ways, including through other people, nature, music, art, and more.
Comma Church
With more than 5,100 churches and 1.1 million members across the U.S., the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world. The UCC is a church of firsts, a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where “…they may all be one” (John 17:21).
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