UCC Logo - United Church of Christ
UCC Logo. The United Church of Christ logo is the most visible and recognizable element of our identity. We encourage United Church of Christ congregations, associations, and conferences to use these logos in their social media, print publications, and websites. Learn more about proper co-branding on our Co-Branding for Conferences and Churches ...
UCC Brand Guidelines - United Church of Christ
The General Synod and Three Great Loves logos are the trademarks of the National Setting of the United Church of Christ. The files on this page and on related pages may be downloaded and used by Local Churches, Associations, and Conferences of the United Church of Christ for use in their own social media, print publications, and websites.
The primary UCC logo consists of an updated comma emblem and the words “United Church of Christ” using ‘Regencie’ as the type face. Gill Sans can also be used in conjunction with the Primary UCC Logo.
UCC Crest - United Church of Christ
Since its beginning, the United Church of Christ “crest” has been a recognized symbol for the Church. In recent years, this symbol has been refreshed to better align with the updated brand identity for the UCC.
Performing Arts in Greeley, CO - Union Colony Civic Center
The Union Colony Civic Center is Northern Colorado’s premier performing arts venue and is proudly owned and operated by the City of Greeley. Built in 1988 with a combination of public funds and private donations, the UCCC is home to two performance venues, Monfort Concert Hall, which seats 1,686 and Hensel Phelps Theatre, which seats 214 ...
UCC logo | Atlanta UCC
For the United Church of Christ this emblem, rich in the traditions of the past and alive with hope for the future, is particularly appropriate. For this reason, there appear on the perimeter of the emblem both the name of the church and the text: "That they. may all be one."
2025年3月7日 · COM Faculty & Staff Test Area / Training Demo. Department ofRadiology. Menu
More about the UCC symbol and motto
2022年5月29日 · Read more about the symbolism in the UCC logo here. Listen to Pastor Santi’s words in this video: Did you know that in our narthex is a carving of the UCC symbol, commissioned in honor of a member who frequently brought the events of the week into worship?
Unipart Car Care Centre brand guidelines | PPT - SlideShare
2014年10月1日 · This document outlines brand identity guidelines for the Unipart Car Care Centre (UCCC) brand, including specifications for logo usage, colors, fonts, and applying the brand visually to vehicles, clothing, signage and other materials.
Manual de imagen corporativa UCC
Encuentra en Manual de imagen corporativa de la Universidad Coope rativa de Colombia. Logo en formato Adobe Illustrator. Logo en formato PNG. Logo en formato JPG. Manual imagen corporativa, el cual indica el uso correcto de la marca institucional.