UC Washington Center - Home | UCDC
Retiring Congresswoman Jackie Speier alongside two UCDC Alumni, Jenny Nieto (UCD ‘01) and Molly Fishman (UCSB ‘10). When asked about her UCDC experience, Fishman said “UCDC opened doors for me to an exciting career in politics - one of the best decisions of my life so far…”
Spring Quarter 2025 | UCDC
The prominence of powerful goddesses (Hathor, Mut, and Isis), the reverence awarded to the queen mother of Kush, a series of sole-ruling queens (one of whom led her army in battle againstthe invading Roman), highlight the unusually high status of women in this ancient African society and serve as a fitting focus for the study of female poweri the ancient world. This …
Faculty and Staff | UCDC
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Programs in DC | UCDC
2024年11月1日 · The UC Washington Center is home to the University of California's Washington, DC-based systemwide academic program (UCDC) as well as multi-campus research units (MRUs) and other business and operations offices of the University. In addition, it is host to a number of other academic and research programs for other higher education institutions. UC …
The University of California extends its mission of service, teaching and research to the nation's capital. The UC Washington Center (UCDC) is a multi-campus residential, instructional and research center that provides students and faculty from the University of California with opportunities to study, research, work, and live within Washington’s rich cultural, political and …
Departments at UCDC: Leadership Team Academic and Internship Services Student Services Campus Relations & External Affairs Facilities Finance & Administration IT Leadership Team
Faculty Opportunities & Resources - UCDC
UCDC is a system-wide academic program of the University of California in Washington, DC, that provides opportunities for undergraduates to study and participate in internships. Additionally, students take courses designed to supplement their internship experiences and to take advantage of opportunities in our nation’s capital. We invite applications from UC faculty in all fields to …
Internships | UCDC
Internships are the highlight of most students’ Washington experience. UC students have interned with members of Congress, the White House, cabinet agencies, advocacy groups, scientific organizations, public relation firms, and the news media. Students are not assigned internships. Instead they work with program administrators in Washington and on campus to find a position …
UC Federal Governmental Relations (FGR) Team | UCDC
Located at UCDC on the second floor, the University of California's Office of Federal Governmental Relations (FGR) advocates for the university and its policy and fiscal priorities in education, research, healthcare, and public service with U.S. Congress, the Presidential administration, federal agencies and national organizations. FGR is pleased to host interns …
Academics - UCDC
Students receive academic credit for each component of the program for a total required minimum of 12 units. Campuses vary in their requirements for academic credit for internships, seminars, and electives. For campus specific information, connect with your campus coordinators. Internships *All students are required to have an internship to participate in the program. …