Handshake • UCF
Handshake is the new way to connect with the career opportunities that matter most to you. Students, start using Handshake today! Click here for log-in instructions. Employers, if you are not already in Handshake, we ask that you create an account! Follow these steps to get set-up:
Kenneth G. Dixon Career Development Center - University of Central Florida
Campus UCF Main Campus Abbreviation CSEL
Career Services | University of Central Florida
2025年1月29日 · Career Services has numerous resources and services to offer as you search for the right major or prepare for your job search. It’s never too early or too late to work on your professional development plan. The more time you invest in this process, the more likely you are to achieve your goals.
About Career Services – Career Services | University of Central Florida
Engage the UCF community to prepare all students for meaningful post-baccalaureate academic opportunities and professional career aspirations. Inspire a campus culture that guides UCF students on a career development pathway starting in their first year, while launching 21st century career-ready graduates into a global workforce.
Employer FAQ • Handshake • UCF
All programming from UCF Career Services and Experiential Learning is managed through Handshake. This collaboration between Career Services and Experiential Learning further helps connect our student talent to a broad and diverse employer population.
Career Services | University of Central Florida Events | Upcoming Events
Stop by the Kenneth G. Dixon Career Development Center (CSEL) for Drop-In services by Career Services: We can critique your resume, cover letter, linkedin or professional profiles as well as answer quick career questions. Every Monday and Friday from 1-4pm in the CSEL Lobby.
Alumni FAQ • Handshake • UCF
All UCF alumni that graduated less than a year ago can access Handshake by logging in with their NID and password. If you graduated more than one year ago, you can access Handshake by creating an account here. Before logging in, you will need to complete two steps, see more instructions in ‘How do I access Handshake?’.
Students – Access and Login • Organizational Groups - UCF
In Handshake you have access to apply for thousands of internships, jobs and other opportunities. You can easily RSVP for events or sign-up for an on-campus interview. You can also store your resume, cover letter, and other documents to use for each application.
UCF Arboretum
2025年3月12日 · Stop by the Kenneth G. Dixon Career Development Center (CSEL) for drop-in services by Career Services: We can critique your resume, cover letter, Linkedin or professional profiles as well as answer quick career questions. Every Monday and Friday from 1-4…
Career Services Drop-Ins: Resume, Cover Letter LinkedIn Critiques | UCF …
2025年2月3日 · Stop by the Kenneth G. Dixon Career Development Center (CSEL) for Drop-In services by Career Services: We can critique your resume, cover letter, linkedin or professional profiles as well as answer quick career questions. Every Monday and Friday from 1 …