University of California, Los Angeles - MyUCLA
UCLA Logon; Create UCLA Logon ID. Manage UCLA Logon ID. Look Up UCLA Logon ID. Reset Password. close (X) Students. Student Top Links; UCLA Calendar. Voter Registration. …
UCLA Logon
Contact the IT Support Center, email us at [email protected], or give us a call at 310-267-HELP (4357).
How to Create a UCLA Logon ID - IT Services
If you have a UCLA ID Number (UID), you should always use it to create a UCLA Logon ID. This ensures that you will have access to all of our online services. Click “I HAVE A UID.”
Sign In - University of California, Los Angeles
NOTE: please sign in using [email protected] in the previous logon page if your account is enabled for MFA. For those not yet enabled for MFA, sign in with your …
Activate UCLA Logon MFA - Office of the Chief Information …
Activate UCLA Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 1. Using a web browser, visit https://accounts.iam.ucla.edu/mfa. 2. Log into the application using your UCLA Logon ID and …
UCLA Single Sign-On
The UCLA Sign-On service requires a modern, vendor supported browser. You are seeing this message because your browser does not meet the requirement. If you have another browser, …
Create A UCLA Logon ID - University of California, Los Angeles
IT Services grants permission to members of the UCLA community to use computing resources by issuing individual computing accounts including UCLA Logon IDs. As a condition of …
UCLA Logon - University of California, Los Angeles
Accounts created without a 9 Digit UCLA ID Number (UID) can be used with, but may not have full access to, many UCLA applications. Users with unaffiliated accounts generally aren't eligible …
2023年8月7日 · MyUCLA is the central hub for all online UCLA student resources. From the portal, students have access to everything from class planners, on-campus housing …
How to Look Up Your UCLA Logon ID - IT Services
From the main page of the Identity and Accounts Manager you have the option to look up your UCLA LOGON ID with or without your UCLA ID Number (UID). If you need help, contact the IT …