UCO vs. JJUFF ETF Comparison Analysis
Compare UCO and JJUFF ETFs on current and historical performance, AUM, flows, holdings, costs, ESG ratings, and many other metrics.
UCO、UCOM、HVO和SAF是生物燃料领域的重要概念,分别代表用过的烹饪油、酯化后的烹饪油甲酯、加氢处理的植物油和可持续航空燃料。 它们具有环保和可持续性,通过ISCC认证后可促进全球能源转型和环保努力。 什么叫UCO、UCOM、HVO、SAF? 在探讨UCO、UCOM、HVO、SAF以及它们与ISCC认证的关系之前,我们首先需要了解这些术语分别代表什么。 这些缩写和概念在可持续能源和生物燃料领域扮演着重要的角色,对于理解现代能源转型和环保努力至关重 …
2019年7月1日 · Universally Unique Identifier v4 that is generated using a secure random number generator. The Technical Experts Group on Non-Intrusive Inspection of the World Customs Organization has been tasked with standardizing data exchange between the NII equipment of different NII-vendors.
2018年11月23日 · As part of the UFF Phase 2 implementation, the UFF Development Team developed a Technical Specification of the proposed unified X-ray file format for Non-intrusive Inspection devices – UFF 2.0 (appended hereto). The proposed UFF 2.0 image architecture was tested, from 11 September – 19 October 2018, through a pre-pilot with Dutch Customs.
World Customs Organization
2023年11月28日 · The TEG-NII discussions centered around two main topics – the Unified File Format (UFF) Development Programme and other NII-related matters. The Group started its deliberations on the UFF with an open discussion on various aspects related to the deployment of UFF 2.0 and provided clarifications and guidance in that regard.
专题:不断崛起的优质生柴原料 ——UCO基础知识及中美欧市场简介
2024年5月30日 · 通常 0.97吨的uco可制备1吨生物柴油,大约 1.22~1.25 吨的未经处理的地沟油、餐厨废油可制备为1吨的标准uco。 使用 uco 作为原料生产生物柴油的 主要挑战是 , 其中的 游离脂肪酸和水等杂质 的 影响 。即使是少量的脂肪酸,也会导致酯交换反应出现问题。
WCO starts pilot test of unified file format program
2019年3月8日 · The World Customs Organization (WCO) announced that a pilot test of the unified file format (UFF) development program, the initiative that will enable sharing of scanned cargo images among customs administrations, has started.
Key points from the WCO’s newly-launched technology event
2019年10月22日 · A unified X-ray file format for NII devices – codenamed the Unified File Format (UFF) – has been developed, in cooperation with the WCO, by four NII vendors: L3, Nuctech, Rapiscan Systems AS&E, and Smiths Detection. The …
说说工业混合油UCO出口的那点事 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
根据中国生物柴油行业协会和研究专家统计,理论上中国可以每年生产工业混合油uco 800万吨以上,2022年全年实际收集uco约380万吨,其中出口了158万吨,国内生物柴油和油脂化工行业消耗了200多万吨。
UCO supply reaching its limits - Biofuels International
2022年2月4日 · “Between 2021 and 2030, US UCO supply is forecast to grow from 1.25 MMT to 1.48 MMT. In India, UCO supply is very low relative to its population. However, any potential increase in the country’s supply, will not impact global markets much due to its export ban. China represented 29% of global UCO supply last year.
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