Learn English with UCT English Language Centre
Learn English in Cape Town with the UCT English Language Centre. We offer accredited English courses run by the number one university in Africa, UCT.
Aprender inglês com UCT English Language Centre
Aprenda inglês na Cidade do Cabo com o UCT English Language Centre. Oferecemos cursos de inglês acreditados geridos pela universidade número um em África, UCT.
UCT English Language Centre | Faculty of Humanities
The UCT English Language Centre offers year-round courses in General English at all levels, from beginner to advanced; Business English; Language Excursions; and Exam Preparation courses for IELTS and Cambridge ESOL Exams. You may start classes on any Monday and book for as many weeks as you need.
About Us - UCTLanguageCentre.com
The UCT English Language Centre is located at the historic Hiddingh Campus in the heart of the city. It is a short walk from Cape Town’s vibrant cultural and historic centre, and has easy access to the beaches and local attractions.
Level Test - UCT English Language Centre
Fill in the form to test your English. Discover your level of proficiency and start your journey to achieve your language goals. I chose ELC because it is associated with the University of Cape Town. I was looking for a place that would take my goals seriously and I am very happy… My experience at UCT ELC was more than just learning English.
UCT English Language Centre 南非, 开普敦 - LanguageCourse.Net
我们的UCT English Language Centre 价格包括. 已含 互联网接入和使用学 校电脑; 已含 校内无线局域网; 已含 免费听课证; 已含 在到达之前的语言级别定位; 已含 合格顾问提供的合适学院/大学项目免费咨询。 已含 合格顾问免费协助申请合适的学院/大学项目。 已含 ...
English Language Centre (ELC) - learningstore.uct.ac.za
Based in the Faculty of Humanities, the UCT English Language Centre (ELC) delivers year-round programmes in English as a foreign language to international participants of all ages. Courses are offered at various proficiency levels, including general English, English for business communication and preparation courses for the IELTS (International ...
UCT English Language Centre - Language International
The UCT English Language Centre (ELC) is a language school within the University of Cape Town. ELC offers a wide range of English Language courses: General English including conversational English, Business English, English for Academic purposes and IELTS preparation.
Englisch lernen mit UCT English Language Centre
Lernen Sie Englisch in Kapstadt mit der UCT English Language Centre. Wir bieten akkreditierte Englischkurse, die von der Nummer eins Universität in Afrika, UCT, durchgeführt werden.
Learn English with UCT English Language Centre
Learn English in Cape Town with the UCT English Language Centre. We offer accredited English courses run by the number one university in Africa, UCT.