UCT Administrative Forms
This page only lists UCT Administrative Forms currently administered by the Content Architecture team (Systems Division). For Student Administrative Forms, use the navigation bar above or see: UCT Student Administrative Forms. All forms available on this web page are for UCT staff and/or third party use only, unless noted otherwise.
Forms | Applicants & Students - University of Cape Town
Postgraduate application information. All postgraduate applicants must apply online. 2025 Directions for Postgraduate Applicants; 2024 Directions for Postgraduate Applicants for applicants intending to enrol in 2024. Postgraduate Studies at UCT – the essential guide for all prospective postgraduate students; Apply for postgraduate degree funding.
Apply online - University of Cape Town
2023年3月31日 · Applications for undergraduate study at UCT in 2024 closed at midnight SAST on Friday, 4 August 2023. We will not consider applications received after this date. Applicants who need financial assistance must submit separate applications directly to NSFAS. Please confirm deadlines for postgraduate applications with the faculty office. Apply online.
UCT Student Administrative Forms - University of Cape Town
2025年3月13日 · If you are looking for application forms to study at UCT in the following year, please complete your application online : http://applyonline.uct.ac.za/ If you have queries about UCT registration , please contact UCT ChatBot (via UCT ChatBot tile on the UCT Mobile app or through the UCT ChatBot icon in official university website or via WhatsApp ...
Access Student Administration Self Service (http://studentsonline.uct.ac.za/) to print your academic record and attach it to this application form. The academic record contains your registration information as it is currently held on the UCT Student System.
Concessions | Faculty of Humanities
During registration, should you need a concession to enroll in your preferred/prescribed courses, you will be advised to complete the relevant concession application form (s). Download the fillable PDF form from the above links. Make sure you have the correct form for the concession you require. Fill in your details on the form.
Student advisors | Faculty of Humanities
When you meet with a curriculum advisor, always make sure you bring along (or attach, if you are requesting advice by email): a Change of Curriculum form. Change of curriculum forms can be downloaded from the UCT Student Administration website, or you can retrieve it from the 'Downloads' section below.
Downloads | Applicants & Students - University of Cape Town
Documents for doctoral students can be downloaded below: General information: Intention to submit: Inclusion of publications: Once you have been granted permission to include publications, you are required to include the following declaration in your thesis. Submission of thesis for examination: Graduation library copy: Guidelines:
Admin sports forms | UCT Sport
This page provides access to various administrative forms related to sports at the University of Cape Town, offering resources for students, staff, and affiliates to manage their sports-related requests and activities.
Downloads & Useful Links | Faculty of Commerce
Under UCT Student Forms, you will find the latest versions of the forms you need, including the commonly used forms listed below. Useful Resources. Faculty International Student Bursary (FISB) Applications for the Faculty International Scholarship Bursary (FISB) for non-SADC international students closed on 26 April 2024.