Problems with MDNS flooding on port 5353 UDP - Server Fault
After noticing this I started wireshark and took a look at my firewall log file. The line I see in the log files over and over is Deny mdns/udp 5353 5353 1-Trusted Firebox …
Solved: MS Edge Port 5353 | Experts Exchange
2020年5月5日 · This is expected. (DNS uses port 53) Usually, Apple Bonjour and Linux avahi-daemon services use mDNS to discover network peripherals within the local network. The …
How do I stop the UDP port 5353 mDNS floods on our LAN?
2011年2月11日 · When analyzing the traffic using WireShark, I am seeing that numerous devices are broadcasting and responding using UDP port 5353 to a multicast IP address of
Filter incoming traffic to UDP port for pci compliance
2013年12月3日 · It had been recommended for PCI compliance that I filter incoming traffic to UDP port 5353 please can someone advise what are the steps to do this? I am currently using …
UDP Port 5353 filter - Wireshark Q&A
How do I set filter to see only traffic on UDP 5353?
Is it safe to close the following ports in Windows Firewall for a ...
2022年12月28日 · Hi, thanks for your answer! I closed some of the inbound ports in Windows Firewall, while using your answer as a general guide, and so far, it doesn't seem to have …
security - Ubuntu Server attack? how to solve? - Server Fault
UDP is easy to spoof source address on, packets could be coming from anywhere. Someone could be forging a packet to your broadcast address. Filter port 5353 incoming and outgoing, …
avahi-daemon binds to eth0 udp ports 5353 and 53791
Good answer. But the ports are confusing. Port 5353 seems like an official, standard mdns port. But what is port 53791? Or on my system, the other port avahi-daemon is connected to is …
Dnsmasq DNSSEC UDP issue on Google Compute Engine
2019年8月14日 · I have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.04 on Google Compute Engine. I have compiled the latest version of Dnsmasq (2.80) with the following configuration: no-resolv …
CENTOS 8 - cannot bind to UDP port from service - Server Fault
2020年12月20日 · WORKS disabled firewalld. FAIL running powerDNS service with port or or [localip]:5300. FAIL running PowerDNS on any port other …