A set of ROS2 drivers for transport-layer protocols. - GitHub
A set of ROS2 drivers for transport-layer protocols. Currently utilizes the stand-alone ASIO library for most transport-layer functionality.
udp_driver — udp_driver 1.2.0 documentation - docs.ros.org
A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes. A package which encapsulates basic receving and sending of udp data. Provided …
ROS Package: udp_driver
UDP Driver A package which encapsulates basic receving and sending of udp data. Provided within this package are the following executabes: udp_receiver_node_exe: can receive UDP data udp_sender_node_exe: can send UDP data asynchronosouly udp_bridge_node_exe: combined both receiver and sender nodes into one
transport_drivers /udp_driver /design - GitHub
In light of this, the UdpDriver class seeks to be some common core functionality for a driver which passively listens to UDP packets arriving from a sensor device, such as a LiDAR. This class broadly does one thing: receive UDP packets, convert them to the relevant type, publish the result (s) when necessary, and handles basic errors.
Index — udp_driver 1.2.0 documentation - Robot Operating System
drivers::udp_driver::Functor (C++ type) drivers::udp_driver::UdpDriver (C++ class) drivers::udp_driver::UdpDriver::init_receiver (C++ function) drivers::udp_driver ...
linux - udp send from driver - Stack Overflow
2011年4月22日 · You should try to discover why the application "can't get the data fast enough". Your memory bandwith is probably vastly superior to the thypical ethernet bandwith, so even if passing data from the driver to the application involves copying. If the udp link is not fast enough in userspace, it won't be faster in kernelspace. What you need to do is :
README — udp_driver 1.2.0 documentation - docs.ros.org
README UDP Driver A package which encapsulates basic receving and sending of udp data. Provided within this package are the following executabes: udp_receiver_node_exe: can receive UDP data udp_sender_node_exe: can send UDP data asynchronosouly udp_bridge_node_exe: combined both receiver and sender nodes into one
transport_drivers/README.md at main - GitHub
UDP Driver A package which encapsulates basic receving and sending of udp data. Provided within this package are the following executabes: udp_receiver_node_exe: can receive UDP data udp_sender_node_exe: can send UDP data asynchronosouly udp_bridge_node_exe: combined both receiver and sender nodes into one
OpenEmbedded Layer Index - udp-driver
Name udp-driver Version 1.2.0-3 (6687fb0cf8866979dffca6fdea7dd91244cb24d9) Summary Description A library to write Synchronous and Asynchronous networking applications, ROS and ROS2 nodes Section devel License Apache-2.0 Homepage https://github.com/ros-drivers/transport_drivers Recipe file generated-recipes/transport-drivers/udp-driver_1.2.0-3 ...
UDP and TCP Driver | Ignition User Manual - Inductive Automation
Ignition's UDP and TCP drivers allows Ignition to communicate to various devices like barcode scanners, and scales. These are not catch-all drivers that will talk to any PLC that communicates over TCP, but rather very basic drivers that will communicate over TCP or UDP.