CRUST: Climatic Research Unit Standardisation of Tree-ring data
CRUST (Climatic Research Unit Standardisation of Tree-ring data) is a computer program for the production of chronologies representing the variance of tree-growth over time. The innovative aspect of this program is the ability to apply various versions of "Signal-Free Regional Chronology Standardisation" (SF RCS) to different types of tree-ring ...
The University of East Anglia’s 145 hectare campus has many varied habitats, including five County Wildlife Sites, and is home to over 5,700 species. Our trail will take you to visit a few of its most notable trees.
Climatic Research Unit tree-ring and paleoclimate data
Tree-ring width and density data around the Northern Hemisphere: part 1, local and regional climate signals. Tree-ring data selection At the time that this study was undertaken, the number of relatively cool and moist sites for which TRW and MXD measurements were available had increased by 2 more sites (in western USA) to 393.
UEA Wildlife Trail - Sustainable Campus
Uea Tree Trail. The Tree Trail and accompanying map (found below) were developed by the Sustainability Team and Tom Everett, Landscape Manager, in collaboration with the 2018 Norfolk Festival of Nature and Prof Tom Williamson.
A Tale of Two Trees - UEA
Ask someone who works or studies at UEA and it's not unlikely that they will have a favourite tree on campus. There are, after all, plenty to choose from - from the towering Scots Pine (above) to the bird-busy willow on the far side of the broad.
UEA Ecology 101 – It's nothing fancy let me tell you that now, but …
2018年5月7日 · Ecological Importance: There are almost 400 species of herbivorous insect which live on oak trees, making it the highest biodiversity supporting tree in Britain. Not only does the tree itself provide home, but the acorns are food sources for many small mammals such as grey and red squirrels and for birds such as jays.
James' UEA Ecology Blog
2024年5月6日 · Our most recent field trip was to Ashwellthorpe Woods , a Norfolk Wildlife Trust nature reserve. This beautiful ancient woodland is noted for its large oak trees and stunning carpet of bluebells followed by wild garlic on the forest floor in the spring.
SILV #1: EA/UEA STANDS Flashcards - Quizlet
IRREGULAR UEA STANDS: Growth rate may fluctuate around some average value. - A stand of trees in a single age class; Range of ages are plus or minus 20% of rotation length. 1. Curve shifts right as trees increase in size. 2. Self thinning flattens curve height. 3. Variation in tree growth increases size range. 1.
A matroid associated with a phylogenetic tree - UEA Digital …
In this paper, we use the results of a previous paper to discuss the structure of a matroid that can be associated with an (unweighted) X-tree T defined by the requirement that its bases are exactly the `tight edge-weight lassos' for T, i.e, the minimal subsets of X, 2 …
Folding and unfolding phylogenetic trees and networks - UEA …
There is a close relationship between phylogenetic networks and multi-labelled trees (MUL-trees). Indeed, any phylogenetic network $N$ can be "unfolded" to obtain a MUL-tree $U(N)$ and, …
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