As shown on figure 1, the 30 inches cylinder (cylinder 30B for example) is a right circular cylinder and is made of carbon steel. Generally, it is transported in an overpack (shielding) to protect the cylinder (and in particular the drain plug) against mechanical and thermal effects in case of an accident during the transport. Figure 1.
Analysis of the 30B UF6 Container for Use with Increased …
2021年5月1日 · Assessment of Existing Transportation Packages for Use with HALEU (ORNL/TM-2020/1725) assesses the potential to use currently licensed transportation packages for the transportation of HALEU by evaluating a representative package for each uranium fuel form category (for example, oxide and/or metal in fuel assemblies, fuel pins, powder, pellets, ...
The primary objectives of this effort were to determine whether the existing package design could be used to transport (and store) 30B cylinders containing UF6 in the LEU+ and HALEU enrichment range, what limitations might be required (i.e., smaller maximum transportation array size), and whether adequate applicable benchmark critical experiment...
The report provides an overview of the assay signatures and summarizes the results of several HEVA field measurement campaigns on populations of Type 30B UF6 cylinders containing low-enriched uranium (LEU), natural uranium (NU), and depleted uranium (DU).
hexafluoride (UF6) cylinders most commonly used across the nuclear industry. Industry uses standardized steel cylinders (for example, Model 30B, as well as Model 48X, 48Y, and 48G cylinders) for storing UF6 and transporting it among the many nuclear fuel cycle facilities (e.g., uranium conversion, uranium enrichment, fuel fabrication, and
2019年10月25日 · The transportation of enriched uranium hexafluoride (UF6) is essential for the nuclear fuel cycle. The 30B cylinders used worldwide for this purpose are loaded during transportation outside nuclear facilities in so-called overpacks, which offer protection against mechanical and thermal impacts due to possible accidents ...
六氟化铀运输容器 - 中华人民共和国生态环境部
2023年6月1日 · 本标准修改采用国际标准化组织ISO 7195:2020 Nuclear energy — Packagings for the transport of uranium hexafluoride (UF6)《核能-六氟化铀(UF6)的运输包装》。 本标准结构与ISO 7195:2020 保持一致,本标准规定的用于运输的六氟化铀容器安全要求、性能要求与ISO 7195:2020 保持一致,境外按照ISO 7195 设计和制造的用于运输的六氟化铀容器可视同满足本标准安全技术要求。 本标准与ISO 7195:2020 相比,技术内容做了适当修改。 本标准的附 …
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《六氟化铀容器(征求意见稿) 编制说明
该标准涵盖的六氟化铀容器型号齐全,容器类型包括了1S 容器、2S 容器、5B 容器、8A 容器、12B容器、30B 容器、30C 容器、48X 容器、48Y 容器以及48G容器。 该标准规定了容器范围、质量保证、六氟化铀容器设计、制造、清洗、定期检验、维护、阀门和堵头的制造、使用等方面的内容。 由中核第七研究设计院有限公司编制并发布的EJ190《钢制产品容器技术条件》对六氟化铀容器的制造和试验提出了详细的要求,该标准发布较早且有些条款已落后,但对规范六氟化铀容器 …
This paper considers the transport of UF6 packages comprised of type 48X, 48Y and type 30B cylinders. It gives also guidance on how to apply these limits in case of mix loading of UF6 consignments with other consignments in large freight containers (closed containers) aboard the …
Mary Lynne Thomas - Operating Experience with UF6 Cylinders and UX-30 Overpacks - 2012 SFST Regulatory Conference, September 12-13, 2012, Rockville, Maryland. Created Date 20120910180904Z