Post-UFE experience from a DrPatient | Uterine Fibroids | Forums
2017年5月7日 · My UFE caused MAJOR issues: 1). The pain was much more severe after the UFE, unlike the myomectomy. 2). I too experience the dizziness, constipation, and to add …
Two Weeks Post-UFE - a couple of questions and lots of details
I had my UFE 7 days ago. I am 49 and had been putting up with heavy bleeding and an ever increasing uterus for two years. Never had any pain just bladder problems and extreme …
Heavy bleeding 7 months after UFE | Uterine Fibroids | Forums
2018年5月22日 · I thought the UFE failed for me too because I was still having erratic and heavy periods 9 months after my procedure. Then around the 10-12 month mark everything started …
Fibroid embolization experiences | Uterine Fibroids | Forums
2016年1月10日 · Hi! Embolization is a less invasive procedure than surgery. There is alot to read about it on the Internet if you search for Uterine Fibroid Embolization.
UFE experience with larger fibroids | Uterine Fibroids | Forums
I had the UFE procedure done many years after having my kids. I had similar pain or discomfort like you plus heavy bleeding during my periods and anemic because of it. The reason I chose …
Ufe leg pains | Uterine Fibroids | Forums - Patient
2020年1月1日 · Hi, Im 14 days post Ufe for fibroids & was wondering if anyone knows how long the leg pains, strange twinges & cold feelings in legs lasts for? did anyone else have it? I read …
Year after having UFE | Uterine Fibroids | Forums - Patient
2017年1月13日 · Wanted to know from anyone who had a UFE and after a year display you ever experience any cramping or same type of discharge of tissues from the shrinkage. It's been a …
Uterine Fibroids | Women's health | Forums - Patient
Patient Forums for Uterine Fibroids. Part of the Women's health category. Symptom, treatment and advice from community members
Post Fibroid Embolisation | Uterine Fibroids | Forums - Patient
2014年8月21日 · UFE is less invasive then myomectomy but the fact that both resulting to removal of the fibroid obviously in different ways should have the same recovery period. I was …
Pregnancy after UFE | Uterine Fibroids | Forums - Patient
I had a 12cm fibroid, had UFE surgery 8 months ago and the ultrasound from last week showed it shrunk to 5cm, so my husband and I would like to try to get pregnant - although it is …