NCB | UFMylation修饰在维持p53肿瘤抑制功能上的重要性 - 知乎
UFMylation修饰 (UFM1修饰)是最新被鉴定的一种类泛素化修饰 【2,3】,与泛素化修饰类似,UFM1以前体形式被合成,经过 UfSP1 或 UfSP2 剪切,形成活化的UFM1-G83后被一个特定的E1样活化酶(UBA5)激活,转移到E2样结合酶(UFC1)上,随后UFC1和E3样连接酶(UFL1,又称NLBP或RCAD)共同识别靶蛋白,对其进行Ufmylation修饰。 UFM1-靶蛋白共价结合体可以被UfSP1或UfSP2剪切,释放UFM1参与新的循环(图1) 【4】。 图1. UFM1修饰系 …
UFMylation: a ubiquitin-like modification: Trends in Biochemical …
2023年11月7日 · UFMylation displays several biochemical peculiarities, such as a trans-binding mechanism required for both UFM1 activation by UBA5 and its conjugation by UFC1. In addition, UFM1 ligation relies on the structural complementarity of UFL1 and DDRGK1.
Decrypting UFMylation: How Proteins Are Modified with UFM1
Besides ubiquitin (Ub), humans have a set of ubiquitin-like proteins (UBLs) that can also covalently modify target proteins. To date, less is known about UBLs than Ub and even less is known about the UBL called ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 (UFM1). ...
蛋白质UFM化修饰 - 中国生物化学与分子生物学报
2019年3月1日 · 泛素折叠修饰因子1(ubiquitin-fold modifier 1, UFM1)是类泛素蛋白(ubiquitin-like modifier, UBL)家族的一员,存在于几乎所有的真核细胞中。 UFM1对底物的修饰过程与泛素相似,即依次通过UBA5、UFC1和UFL1催化,共价接合在底物的赖氨酸残基上。 而UFSP则负责切割UFM1的C端使之成熟,以及去除底物的UFM1修饰。...
A guide to UFMylation, an emerging posttranslational modification ...
2023年1月20日 · Ubiquitin Fold Modifier-1 (UFM1) is a ubiquitin-like modifier (UBL) that is posttranslationally attached to lysine residues on substrates via a dedicated system of enzymes conserved in most eukaryotes. Despite the structural similarity between UFM1 and ubiquitin, the UFMylation machinery employs unique mechanisms that ensure fidelity.
<br>解密 UFMyllation:如何用 UFM1 修饰蛋白质,Biomolecules
2020年10月14日 · 除了泛素 (Ub) 之外,人类还有一组泛素样蛋白 (UBL),它们也可以共价修饰目标蛋白。 迄今为止,人们对 UBL 的了解比对 Ub 的了解要少,对称为泛素折叠修饰剂 1 (UFM1) 的 UBL 的了解更是少之又少。
Ubiquitin-like modification dependent proteasomal degradation …
2024年11月1日 · The independence of ubiquitylation for SUMO1-dependent proteasome degradation (SDPD) of CP2c is demonstrated by an Ub overexpression assay as well as chemical inhibitors of proteasome, lysosome, SUMO1 and Ub, respectively [27].
<br>UFMylation 指南,一种新兴的翻译后修饰,The FEBS Journal
泛素折叠修饰剂-1 (UFM1) 是一种类泛素修饰剂 (UBL),通过大多数真核生物中保守的专用酶系统在翻译后附着于底物上的赖氨酸残基。 尽管 UFM1 和泛素之间结构相似,但 UFMylation 机制采用独特的机制来确保保真度。 虽然 UFMylation 的生理触发因素和后果尚不完全清楚,但其生物学重要性体现在人类病理生理学(包括肌肉骨骼和神经发育疾病)中 UFMylation 途径的突变。 其中一些疾病可以通过在 UFMylation 丧失时观察到的内质网 (ER) 应激增加和翻译稳态破坏来解释 …
A guide to UFMylation, an emerging posttranslational modification
Ubiquitin Fold Modifier-1 (UFM1) is a ubiquitin-like modifier (UBL) that is posttranslationally attached to lysine residues on substrates via a dedicated system of enzymes conserved in most eukaryotes. Despite the structural similarity between UFM1 and ubiquitin, the UFMylation machinery employs unique mechanisms that ensure fidelity.
UFMylation: a ubiquitin-like modification - ScienceDirect
2024年1月1日 · UFMylation displays several biochemical peculiarities, such as a trans-binding mechanism required for both UFM1 activation by UBA5 and its conjugation by UFC1. In addition, UFM1 ligation relies on the structural complementarity of UFL1 and DDRGK1.