The Evolution of the Federation Flag - Ex Astris Scientia
2023年12月18日 · The most famous Federation flag appears for the first time in TNG: "The First Duty". It shows the Federation emblem, created by Mike Okuda, in white on a blue background. Underneath the emblem there is a lettering "United Federation of Planets". The flag can be seen in the hearing room in the episode.
The Evolution of the Federation Emblem - Ex Astris Scientia
A flag with the TNG-style UFP emblem can be clearly seen in PIC: "The Star Gazer". There is only one ring around the central seal, and it is rather thin compared to most versions that have appeared so far.
Flag of the Federation | Memory Alpha | Fandom
The Flag of the United Federation of Planets was a patriotic banner that consisted of a blue background with a white seal of the Federation above the words "UNITED FEDERATION of PLANETS." On some occasions, the flag read "...OF PLANETS" with capital OF, such as in " Take Me Out to the Holosuite "."
Great Seal of the United Federation of Planets
The Great Seal of the United Federation of Planets is the official emblem of the Federation, serving as a visual symbol of the UFP and the principles for which it stands. The Great Seal is incorporated into the Federation Flag and is often displayed on government documents, at official events, and on Federation Starfleet computer screens and ...
United Federation of Planets | Memory Alpha | Fandom
UFP pennant. A "UFP" pennant in TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead" was the first insignia that specifically represented the Federation. The Federation seal was first shown in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Symbols of Federation patriotism include the Great Seal of the United Federation of Planets, which serves as the official emblem of the UFP. The Flag of the United Federation of Planets is also a prominent Federation symbol, often displayed at government buildings, official events, and at state and Starfleet funerals.
United Federation of Planets - Wikipedia
In the fictional universe of Star Trek, the United Federation of Planets (UFP) is the interstellar government with which, as part of its space force Starfleet, most of the characters and starships of the franchise are affiliated. Commonly referred to as " the Federation ", it was introduced in the original Star Trek television series.
The Emblems of the Federation Founding Members - Ex Astris …
Our article investigates the evolution of the canon emblems of the four founding member planets of the UFP and identifies all notable variations, as well as related symbols.
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
The Flag of the United Federation of Planets hangs behind the desk of the Presidential Office and behind the podium in the chambers of the Federation Council in the Palais de la Concorde, and was often used as a patriotic symbol during the Dominion War.
Star Trek UFP Emblem - United Federation of Planets
2023年8月20日 · Emblem of the United Federation of Planets (UFP) known from the various Star Trek series. Uses single-colour parts. | Download free 3D printable STL models
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