UGC 5302 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
2025年3月16日 · Data at NED - NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database : UGC 5302. Link by name to the catalogue in VizieR:
UGC 5302 GalaxyFacts - Universe Guide
UGC 5302 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Ursa Major in the northern hemisphere. UGC 5302 is not a Messier Object and doesn't have a Messier Number. The galaxy is separate and distinct, not in Milky Way galaxy or The Solar System.
Galaxies M 81, M82 & NGC 3077 | Deep⋆Sky Corner
In photographs from large telescopes, M 81 shows itself to be one of the most magnificent galaxies in the northern sky, remarkable for its strikingly symmetrical structure and dynamic appearance. The spiral windings surround a bright, egg yolk-shaped central mass, which undoubtedly consists of millions of insoluble, faint individual stars.
UGC 05302 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
2022年1月20日 · UGC 5302 -- Galaxy The astronomical object called UGC 5302 is a Galaxy: Origin of the objects types : (Ref) Object type as listed in the reference "Ref" (acronym) Object type linked to the acronym according to the original reference Anterior to 2007, before we can link the objet type to a reference, or given by the CDS team in some particular ...
UGC 5302 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
UGC 5302 (Galaxy) UGC 5302 (Galaxy) In-The-Sky.org. Guides to the night sky. Location: Virginia Beach (36.85°N; 75.98°W) UGC 5302 (Galaxy) Home Your Sky Constellations List Ursa Major UGC 5302. News Upcoming events By topic. Appulses ...
M81, M82, NGC3077, UGC5302 and IFN - Cloudy Nights
2022年4月27日 · I've been inactive for a while but finally managed to get time to collect some light this winter. This is a little more than 82 hours worth of total integration time. My trusty CCD camera started misbehaving, so this is my first attempt with CMOS. Not at all sure I've made the right decisions regarding length of subs, gain, offset etc.
M81 - UGC 5302 - BROAD BAND (Alberto Maria Casati) - AstroBin
m82 - m81 - ugc 5302 - broad band Celestial hemisphere: Northern · Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa) · Contains: Bode's Galaxy · Cigar Galaxy · M 81 · M 82 · NGC 3031 · NGC 3034
Film HAPPY END - 2003 - A voir dans les cinémas UGC
Avec Audrey Tautou, Justin Theroux, Jennifer Tilly, Laila Robins, Catherine Curtain. Val, une jeune femme souhaitant devenir actrice, vient tenter sa chance à New York. Sans domicile fixe, elle fait des rencontres de hasard : un scénariste cynique en panne d'inspiration, une lesbienne psychopathe... Petits boulots, ronde des castings...
jis5302-2006中文版 - 道客巴巴
内容提示: 日本工业标准 铝合金压铸件 jis h 5302:2006 (jdca/jsa) 2006 年 7 月 20 日修改 日本工业标准审查委员会审查 (日本标准协会发行) 文档格式:PDF | 页数:38 | 浏览次数:566 | 上传日期:2021-08-14 16:34:46 | 文档星级:
M81 - UGC 5302 - BROAD BAND (Albertomariacasati) - AstroBin
M82 - M81 - UGC 5302 - BROAD BAND... by Alberto Maria Casati. Plate-solution overlay: Like Full resolution Full resolution Full resolution Technical card; Loading click-and-drag zoom... Powered by PixInsight.