UGC 6093 - Wikipedia
UGC 6093 is a barred spiral galaxy located approximately 500 million light years (or about 153 megaparsecs) away from Earth in the constellation of Leo. This galaxy is known to host an active galactic nucleus , which is caused by the accretion of matter by a supermassive black hole located at its center, thus causing it to emit huge amounts of ...
UGC 6093 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ugc 6093是一个棒旋星系,距离地球约5亿光年(或153百万秒差距)远,坐落于狮子座中。 这个星系是已知的 活动星系核 的宿主星系, 活动星系核 是由星系中心的 超大质量黑洞 对物质 吸积 而产生的,因而导致它散发巨量的 电磁辐射 ,使得UGC 6093的核心过量发光。
Hubble’s Barred and Booming Spiral Galaxy - NASA Science
2018年1月5日 · This image, captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), shows a galaxy named UGC 6093. As can be easily seen, UGC 6093 is something known as a barred spiral galaxy — it has beautiful arms that swirl outwards from a bar slicing through the galaxy’s center.
183 GHz Water Megamasers in Active Galactic Nuclei: A New …
2023年5月17日 · The only significant component seen in the 183 GHz spectrum of UGC 6093 is the central set of systemic maser features, which span a velocity range of ∼30 km s −1 around a central velocity of ∼10,848 km s −1. The peak flux density of the systemic features is ∼16.0 mJy, which is a factor of ∼12 fainter than the typical peak flux ...
Hubble Views Active Barred Spiral Galaxy UGC 6093
2018年1月8日 · This image, captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), shows a galaxy named UGC 6093. As can be easily seen, UGC 6093 is something known as a barred spiral...
Hubble Telescope Views Barred Spiral Galaxy UGC 6093
2018年1月2日 · This image, captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), shows a galaxy named UGC 6093. As can be easily seen, UGC 6093 is something known as a barred spiral galaxy — it has beautiful arms that swirl outwards from a bar slicing through the galaxy’s center.
Hubble Space Telescope Spots Megamaser Galaxy: UGC 6093
2018年1月1日 · Megamasers such as UGC 6093 are intensely bright, around 100 million times brighter than the masers found in galaxies like our Milky Way Galaxy. This new image of UGC 6093 is made up of observations from Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) in the infrared and optical parts of the spectrum.
UGC6093 - 哔哩哔哩
ugc 6093骚得不行,其本质上算是一个天文激光发射器,它可以向外辐射微波,它发出的辐射约为银河系的1亿倍。 哈勃的WFC3可观测到的光,从近红外--可见光范围,到近紫外线。
UGC 6093 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
ugc 6093是一个棒旋星系,距离地球约5亿光年(或153百万秒差距)远,坐落于狮子座中。 这个星系是已知的 活动星系核 的宿主星系, 活动星系核 是由星系中心的 超大质量黑洞 对物质 吸积 而产生的,因而导致它散发巨量的 电磁辐射 ,使得UGC 6093的核心过量发光。
UGC 6093 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
ugc 6093是一個棒旋星系,距離地球約5億光年(或153百萬秒差距)遠,坐落於獅子座中。 這個星系是已知的 活動星系核 的宿主星系, 活動星系核 是由星系中心的 超大質量黑洞 對物質 吸積 而產生的,因而導致它散發巨量的 電磁輻射 ,使得UGC 6093的核心過量發光。