NGC 4151 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2021年1月21日 · NGC 4151 (UGC 7166, PGC 38739 and at least 50 other designations according to SIMBAD) is a Seyfert 1 (https://en.wikipedia...eyfert_galaxies) galaxy with a bright core and faint arms. While papers show varying distance estimates, the newest is approximately 60 million light-years away in Canes Venatici.
Eye of Sauron - THE WORLD ALOHA
2020年3月31日 · The Eye of Sauron, also known as NGC 4151, UGC 7166 and PGC 38739, is an Intermediate Spiral Seyfert Galaxy, located inside Canes Venatici Constellation (Hunting Dog Constellation).
NGC 4151 Galaxy (UGC 7166) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 4151 is a Seyfert 1 Galaxy located in the constellation of Canes Venatici in the northern hemisphere. NGC 4151's distance from Earth is 32,338,404.85 light years. NGC 4151 is called NGC 4151 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
NGC 4151 - Wikipedia
NGC 4151 is an intermediate spiral Seyfert galaxy with weak inner ring structure located 15.8 megaparsecs (52 million light-years) from Earth [4] in the constellation Canes Venatici. The galaxy was first mentioned by William Herschel on March 17, 1787; it was one of the six Seyfert galaxies described in the paper [5] which defined the term.
SDSS images of selected RC3 galaxies - New York University
These are SDSS gri mosaics of galaxies with RC3-tabulated diameters D (0) between 3 and 30 arcmin. The mosaics are custom-built out of raw SDSS data at NYU and Princeton. They are all north-up. Send questions or comments to David W. Hogg. Warning: Some images contain significant data artifacts.
NGC4145 & NGC4151 (Galaxies in Canes Venatici) - stellarscenes.net
A northern NGC4145 has an elliptical shape with a long axis of a bit smaller than 6 arc minutes. Another southern one has an ID of NGC4151, having an elliptical central bulge and extraordinary dimmed arms wound around it. The galaxy is one of the closest Seyfert galaxies in which the massive black holes are positioned.
NGC 4151 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 4151假色影像,藍色為X射線、黃色為可見光、紅色為無線電波。 NGC 4151 是位於 獵犬座 的帶有疏鬆內環結構的 中間螺旋 西佛星系,距離地球19 百萬秒差距 (62 × 10 6 光年) [3],天球上位於 獵犬座。 該星系由 威廉·赫歇爾 於1787年3月17日首次記錄;它0也是定義西佛星系的論文中提及的兩個星系之一 [4] 。 NGC 4151是核心中擁有快速成長中的 超大質量黑洞 星系中距離地球最近的其中一個 [5]。 天文學家推測NGC 4151的核心可能存在環繞質量中心旋轉中的 雙黑 …
NGC 4151 - u-strasbg.fr
4 天之前 · ugc 7166 j121032.5+392421 casg 1530 2maxi j1210+394 uzc j121032.5+392421 j121032.5+392421 1e 1208.0+3941 maxi j1210+394 vlssr j121032.4+392422 j121032.5+392421 2e 2603 mcg+07-25-044 wb 1208+3941 j121032.5+392421 2e 1208.0+3941
Galaxy UGC 7166 | UGC galaxies - GO ASTRONOMY
< UGC catalog Galaxy UGC 7166. UGC 7166 is a galaxy from the Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies (UGC).
The Complete List of Galaxy Names - Little Astronomy
2022年12月14日 · We have compiled a complete list of all the galaxies that have proper names and the meaning of each and are ordered alphabetically. We have also included some of their other designations and, where possible, the constellation they can be found at if you want to observe them through a telescope.