NGC 4395 Galaxy (UGC 7524) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 4395 Galaxy (UGC 7524) Introduction. NGC 4395 is a Seyfert 2 Galaxy located in the constellation of Canes Venatici in the northern hemisphere. NGC 4395's distance from Earth is 13,897,523.25 light years. NGC 4395 is called NGC 4395 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
UGC 7524 - Active Barred Spiral Galaxy with distinkt Ha Region
UGC 7524 is an intriguing galaxy located in the constellation Canes Venatici. While not as prominent as some of the other galaxies in the region, UGC 7524 possesses several distinct features and interesting background facts that make it noteworthy for astronomers and astrophotographers. This galaxy is classified as a barred spiral galaxy (SBc).
Mass content of UGC 6446 and UGC 7524 through HI rotation …
2017年3月23日 · In this work we study the mass distribution of two irregular galaxies, UGC 6446 and UGC 7524, by means of HI rotation curves derived from high resolution HI velocity fields obtained through the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope data archive.
NGC 4395 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2018年5月14日 · NGC 4395 (UGC 7524 and many others) is a large Seyfert 2 galaxy located approximately 14 million light-years away in Canes Venatici. Several of the brighter (Ha) regions also have designations including NGC 4399, 4400 and 4401.
NGC 4395 - UGC 7524 - AstroBin
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NGC 4395 UGC 7524 (Cheman) - AstroBin
ngc 4395 ugc 7524 Celestial hemisphere: Northern · Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn) · Contains: NGC 4395
Mass content of UGC 6446 and UGC 7524 through H I rotation …
In this work we study the mass distribution of two irregular galaxies, UGC 6446 and UGC 7524, by means of HI rotation curves derived from high resolution HI velocity fields obtained through the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope data archive.
[PDF] Mass content of UGC 6446 and UGC 7524 through
In this work we study the mass distribution of two irregular galaxies, UGC 6446 and UGC 7524, by means of HI rotation curves derived from high resolution HI velocity fields obtained through the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope data archive.
Mass content of UGC 6446 and UGC 7524 through H I rotation …
Abstract: In this work, we study the mass distribution of two irregular galaxies, UGC 6446 and UGC 7524, by means of H I rotation curves derived from high-resolution H I velocity fields obtained through the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope data archive. We constrain the stellar and gas content of both galaxies with stellar population ...
Mass content of UGC 6446 and UGC 7524 through HI
2017年3月23日 · In this work we study the mass distribution of two irregular galaxies, UGC 6446 and UGC 7524, by means of HI rotation curves derived from high resolution HI velocity fields obtained through the...