NGC 5866B - Wikipedia
NGC 5866B (also known as UGC 9769) is an intermediate spiral galaxy located about 52 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Draco. [1] It is sometimes classified as a member of the NGC 5866 Group of galaxies [citation needed] and has a …
NGC 5907 (NGC 5906) The Splinter Galaxy and UGC 9769
Also, near the bottom of the image you will find a bluish spiral, PGC 54267 or UGC 9769 which is also approximately 50 million light years away and likely has a diameter of about 37,000 light years. I wanted to try to capture the intricate and faint …
UGC 9769 GalaxyFacts & Distance - Universe Guide
UGC 9769 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Draco in the northern hemisphere. UGC 9769's distance from Earth is 52,511,176.81 light years. UGC 9769 is not a Messier …
NGC 5866 / Messier 102 - LAMOST
NGC 5866 is a beautiful lenticular galaxy of visual magnitude 10.0 or 9.6 (the first value from Sky Catalogue 2000.0, the latter is an estimate by Don Machholz). It is seen almost exactly edge-on.
UGC 9769 - simbad.cds.unistra.fr
The astronomical object called UGC 9769 is a Low Surface Brightness Galaxy
Revised NGC Data for NGC 5866 - spider.seds.org
Data from Wolfgang Steinicke 's Revised NGC and IC Catalog Object: NGC 5866 (*) Galaxy, type S0-a, in Draco Right Ascension (2000.0): 15:06:29.4 (h:m:s) Declination (2000.0): +55:45:49 (deg:m:s) m_b: 10.8 (mag) , m_v: 9.9 (mag) , SB: 13.0 (mag per square arcmin) Dimension: 6.50 x 3.1 (arcmin) , PA: 128 Cross Identifications: M 102, UGC 9723, MCG 9-25-17, PGC 53933, ZWG 274.16, IRAS15051+5557 ...
The Uppsala General Catalog of galaxies (UGC) - In-The-Sky.org
The Uppsala General Catalog of galaxies (UGC) Select catalog Filter by constellation Filter by object type Sort order Display options Show images Show full detailsThe Uppsala General Catalog of galaxies (UGC)
NGC 5866B — Википедия
NGC 5866B (другие обозначения — UGC 9769, MCG 9-25-34, ZWG 274.33, KUG 1510+559, PGC 54267) — спиральная галактика с перемычкой (SBd) в созвездии Дракон.
什么是UGC、PGC、PUGC?一篇文章带你快速了解~ - 知乎专栏
优势: 结合了UGC的广度和PGC的深度,能够满足更多的个性化需求,且提供更多有参考价值的内容;为很多专业用户提供变现可能,得到更多人的认可;打通KOL与粉丝之间的关系,更容易拉近距离产生互动。
NGC 5907 (NGC 5906) The Splinter Galaxy and UGC 9769 - AstroBin
NGC 5907 (NGC 5906) The Splinter Galaxy and UGC 9769 ... by Michael Feigenbaum Plate-solution overlay: On Off Like Full resolution Technical cardCommunity for astrophotographers
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