New example project and plugin for mod support released
2020年7月2日 · Today, we've released a light-weight abstraction of many UGC features built for Robo Recall and the Robo Recall Mod Kit as a plugin, as well as an example project to show how it all works in the latest version of Unreal Engine. The UGC Example project includes the SimpleUGC plugin and scripts that add editor extensions for creating and ...
Unbundling the Game Engine: The Rise of Next Generation 3D …
2023年12月13日 · There is a unique window of opportunity today for a new 3D Creation Engine (aka game engine) to revolutionize the way we create games, film, virtual worlds, and simulations. Unity, Unreal, Roblox and Godot – the predominant 3D engines – are all 15+ year old technologies architected for a different era of computing.
ugc · GitHub Topics · GitHub
2024年3月1日 · Unreal Engine Plugin for easily integrating mod.io into your game - the UGC management service for game developers
Inside Unreal: Adding Mod Support with the Simple UGC Plugin
2020年7月17日 · WHAT We’ve released a new sample project to help Unreal developers bring mod support to their games. Based on the work done for Robo Recall, the UGC Example Project and SimpleUGC plugin aim to make it easier than ever …
Introduction | Seedworld
Seedworld’s focus is on providing players with the tools needed to build their own gaming experiences and expand a Gaming Metaverse together. With our user-generated content (UGC) engine, users can create unique lands, deploy 3D assets, and produce amazing games with drag-and-drop features and frameworks without any prior coding skills…
AIGC还是UGC?这两家引擎公司选择走不同的道路 - 知乎
在上周的GDC 2023期间,两大游戏引擎公司,Unity和Epic,分别宣布了各自截然不同的新项目。 人工智能无疑是今年游戏业最热门的话题之一。 自去年chatGPT3.5问世以来人们开始意识到,AI终于发展到“像模像样”的地步了。 各大厂商也开始陆续推出自家的AI工具。 而对于游戏行业,虽然已经有AI工具可以帮忙做美术,也有的可以帮忙写代码,但是能直接用在游戏开发上的对外公开的AI产品目前还未面市。 就在上周的GDC 2023(游戏开发者大会)期间,著名游戏引擎 …
Is ugc plugin for unreal 5 working? - Programming & Scripting
2022年4月27日 · A lot of things and engine internal APIs, it uses, have changed in UE5. However, since I want to use it for our own UE5 based project, myself, I am currently trying to fix everything and make it work with UE5 - making decent progress so far
腾讯发布自研游戏AI引擎:3D城市布局效率提升百倍,UGC工具已 …
2024年3月21日 · 利用大模型等生成式AI技术,GiiNEX为玩家提供了一系列游戏内可用的UGC关卡设计工具,目前已在游戏《元梦之星》中上线。 比如,结合程序化生成,秒级搭建塔、亭、廊、桥等中国古风建筑。 零基础玩家也能轻松创建3D模型: 通过将复杂的3D模型简化,AI可以使用游戏提供的几何基础组件,如长方形、球体和三角形等,组合复原出原始模型,方便玩家重建并二次编辑。 NPC的动作,也能通过上传真人视频来一键“复制”。 GiiNEX可以准确捕捉视频内的动 …
GitHub - modio/modio-ue: Unreal Engine Plugin for easily …
It allows game developers to host and automatically install user-created mods in their Unreal Engine games. It provides a UI for mod discovery, installation and collection management, and a C++ and Blueprint interface around the mod.io SDK, which connects to the mod.io REST API.
Adding Mod Support with the Simple UGC Plugin - Epic Dev
Join us as Senior Technical Product Designer Chance Ivey walks through many aspects of the work done for Robo Recall, the UGC Example Project and Simple...
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