Raytheon AGM/BGM/RGM/UGM-109 Tomahawk - Designation …
The BGM-109C (initially BGM-109C-1 and -2, but changed in 1986 to RGM-109C and UGM-109C) TLAM-C (Tomahawk Land-Attack Missile - Conventional) is a conventionally-armed (same WDU-25/B warhead as -109B TASM) missile for long-range strikes against high-value targets. It entered U.S. Navy operational service in 1986.
Tomahawk (missile family) - Wikipedia
The BGM-109 Tomahawk (/ ˈtɒməhɔːk /) Land Attack Missile (TLAM) is an American long-range, all-weather, jet-powered, subsonic cruise missile that is primarily used by the United States Navy and Royal Navy in ship and submarine-based land-attack operations.
UGM BGM RGM-109 Tomahawk land attack cruise missile TLAM …
For submarine-launched missiles (called UGM-109s), after being ejected by gas pressure (vertically via the VLS) or by water impulse (horizontally via the torpedo tube), a solid-fuel booster is ignited to propel the missile and guide it out of the water.
U.S. Navy Tomahawk Cruise Missile Weapons System Technical Manual
2011年7月4日 · This document presents information pertinent to the submarine-launched and surface-ship-launched Tomahawk Weapon System (TWS) to include physical and functional descriptions of system components, safety and security considerations, and operations aboard platforms employing the TWS. 1.1.1 Chapter 1.
BGM-109巡航导弹 - 百度百科
BGM-109巡航导弹(英文:BGM-109 Cruise missile,绰号:Tomahawk,译文:战斧),是美国一型通用多用途巡航导弹。 BGM-109巡航导弹是一种全天候亚音速巡航导弹,其特点包括射程远,飞行高度较低,具有一定的隐身能力,突防能力和生存能力较强,且损伤效果好,通用性强,可由各种平台发射;且体积小,重量轻,弹翼和尾翼可折叠,机动灵活,便于运输和发射 [1-2]。 BGM-109巡航导弹由 美国海军 航空司令部和通用动力公司在1970年推出,1972年5月开始研 …
2024年12月29日 · 战斧巡航导弹 (BGM/RGM/UGM-109等)旨在以高亚音速在极低高度飞行,并通过制导系统规划几个任务飞行节点,从而在规避敌对方雷达警戒区域,从而对高 ...
每日一弹:AGM/BGM/RGM/UGM-109 ‘战斧’精确制导巡航导弹
BGM-109C(最初为BGM-109C-1和-2,但在1986年改为RGM-109C和UGM-109C)TLAM-C(战斧陆上攻击导弹-常规)是一种常规武器(与-109B TASM相同的WDU-25/B弹头)导弹,用于对高价值目标进行远程打击。
Tomahawk Cruise Missile Variants / BGM/RGM/AGM-109 …
Moreover, the Soviet Raduga Kh-55/RKV-500 Granat or 'Tomahawk-ski' was patterned after the BGM-109 series, spawning submarine, ship, air and ground launched variants. Despite its unique engine arrangement and later evolution, the Granat follows the Tomahawk model closely.
2024年12月24日 · 战斧巡航导弹 (BGM/RGM/UGM-109等)旨在以高亚音速在极低高度飞行,并通过制导系统规划几个任务飞行节点,从而在规避敌对方雷达警戒区域,从而对高价值目标进行杀伤。
巨钺开山-美国战斧巡航导弹家族的技术与发展 - 知乎
RGM/UGM-109B型反舰战斧(TASM)分为舰射版(RGM-109B)与潜射版(UGM-109B)两种,沿用BGM-109A的弹体、助推器与发射器,配备454kg (1000磅)的传统高爆弹头,导引系统则由鱼叉反舰飞弹加大衍生而来,较大的天线与功率使其能在400km外锁定大型舰艇,导引方式为中途 …