Union Gospel Mission of the Inland Northwest
Since 1951, UGM has been providing a pathway out of homelessness through a whole-person approach to physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional restoration. Recovery programs, mentorships, job training, and transitional housing options are just a few of the resources made available at UGM.
Locations | UGM - Union Gospel Mission
Spokane (Anna Ogden Hall) 2828 W Mallon Ave. Spokane, WA 99201 509.535.0486. MORE INFO
Who we are | UGM - Union Gospel Mission
Founded in 1951 by a group of Christian business people, UGM exists to provide food, shelter and individualized pathways out of homelessness to men, women and children in need across …
UGM LIFE Recovery - Union Gospel Mission
In addition to providing a culture of holistic recovery for all, UGM offers an 18-month residential recovery program for individuals dealing with overwhelming personal issues such as addiction, domestic violence, or a criminal record.
Volunteer at UGM - Union Gospel Mission
Lives damaged by trauma, abuse, addiction, mental illness or neglect are not healed through housing. Since 1951, UGM has been providing a pathway out of homelessness through gospel teaching, whole-person recovery programming and individualized job-training and placement – gospel, change and jobs.
Donate | UGM
87 cents of every dollar goes directly into homeless and recovery services at UGM.
Ways to Give | UGM - Union Gospel Mission
Meeting twice a year, Spokane and Coeur d’Alene Connect members sponsor UGM projects and carry UGM needs before their church leaders and congregations to facilitate greater cooperation in the cause. Call 509.535.8510 in Spokane or 208.665.4673 in Coeur d’Alene for information about upcoming meetings.
FAQs | UGM - Union Gospel Mission
Union Gospel Mission is a faith-based, 501(c)3, non-profit organization serving the poor and homeless in Spokane, Washington and North Idaho. UGM operates four shelters, three long-term recovery programs, three thrift stores, an automotive enterprise, a camp and after-school program for at-risk youth, and clean-and-sober housing for graduates ...
A Brief History of UGM, Part 1: 1951 to 1987 - Union Gospel Mission
2018年8月16日 · Over the next 70 years and counting, God has fulfilled all of the critical needs at the Union Gospel Mission through people from all different churches and backgrounds. From the start, no government funding has been accepted at UGM, so that the life-saving gospel could be proclaimed without hindrance.
UGM Enterprises - Union Gospel Mission
Proceeds from your purchases fund meals, shelter, and recovery programs at UGM’s shelters. Jobs at UGM Upholstery provide real-world job training opportunities for people in recovery at UGM. 7103 E Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley, WA. For questions or requests, please contact [email protected]. Include 3-5 photos of the ...