Setting up my Z-probe in UGS | MillRight CNC - ProBoards
2020年1月25日 · When I entered the numbers in the probe module in UGS I put in 20mm thickness of probe base, -20mm as distance to probe, with the bit 10-15mm from the probe I …
2019年11月7日 · I was thinking of getting the MegaV plasma. My question is, what do you use to control the plasma cutter since it works a little bit differently than a CNC router. Specifically …
Fusion 360 CAM to UGS Breakdown | MillRight CNC
2018年5月2日 · Newbie still trying to get a successful preliminary cut. I'm modeling very simple geometric shapes in Fusion 360 - rectangle, couple holes, couple pockets, etc. The tool paths …
(ALARM:9) Homing fail. Could not find limit switch? | MillRight CNC
2018年8月26日 · Yes, movement is fine. I've verified it in all axis'. I will try a stable UGS build (I thought the 2.0 Platform was) and report back, should I try 1.0.9?. The scaling issue is …
Can't Home or Move in Z. UGS Errors | MillRight CNC
2018年10月4日 · General MillRight CNC Discussion ... I also tried UGS from 2 different computers and got the same results ...
error 24 with UGS | MillRight CNC - ProBoards
2021年12月12日 · Bruce Rogers Carve King, bCNC, Huanyang VFD with 1HP Spindle. 19" Mega V, DeWalt 611
Grbl has not finished booting. | MillRight CNC - ProBoards
2020年2月4日 · I found this on the UGS help page. Common Problems "Grbl has not finished booting." This happens when UGS connects to a serial port and does not receive the GRBL …
UGS works while CNC machine is not responding. | MillRight CNC
Then CNC stop working . I have check UGS and is not even seeing the Mega V. I reinstall GRBL with Arduino IDE and manage to flash and install the driver. When I turned on, the UGS starts …
version of universal g code sender | MillRight CNC
Always I found this out a while back as well. Always go through and delete any reference to UGS before doing a fresh install.
Pre-Machine Testing Mode with VCARVE and UGS | MillRight CNC
2017年7月26日 · So without a machine yet, have been playing with VCARVE PRO Trial version since that is what I will probably end up using. Took one of their sample designs and ran it thru …