Ultrahigh Vacuum (UHV) Conductive Glue - Accu-Glass Products
Conductive Vacuum Glue. Epo-Tek H21D and H27D conductive glue / epoxy is a two component, silver filled epoxy adhesive designed for semiconductor, hybrid-microelectronics, and is ideally suited for joining fine instrumentation wires. This conductive epoxy passes NASA's low outgassing standard ASTM E595 with proper cure.
Ultra High Vacuum Compatible Adhesive Systems
Ultra High Vacuum Compatible Adhesive Systems Master Bond has developed epoxy adhesive systems that can be used at pressures down to 1 x 10 -12 torr. Formulations meet NASA ASTM E595 standards and are employed in structural bonding/sealing, coating and potting/encapsulation type applications.
UHV-Compatible Epoxy/Glue (250°C) - Accu-Glass Products
High temperature UHV Compatible Epoxy is supplied in single, two part, 4 gram packs eliminating the need for measuring and cup mixing. Ideally suited for Ultra High Vacuum environments to 1x10-10 Torr and an operating temp of 250°C and up to a maximum 400°C for brief periods.
High Vacuum Sealant and Adhesive - Accu-Glass Products
AGP adhesive sealants and vacuum epoxy provide a quick, permanent vacuum seal with low outgassing, suitable for use in high vacuum applications. UHV Epoxy / Glue is great for sealing Fiber Optic SMA 905 connectors onto the Fiber.
UHV超高真空用胶 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2018年10月31日 · 在工业上,超高真空技术是超清洁技术 (UCL)的一个分支,任何材料和处理过程都应该保持清洁。 超高真空处理的第一步是表面除气及测量。 我们首先讨论的是超高真空系统的分子动力学基础。 应用简述. EPOTEK的产品可以用。 光学胶. 适用产品:353ND, 377,OD2002. 导电胶. 适用产品:H21D, H35-175MP. 导热胶. 适用产品: H74,H77, H65-175MP. 工典 http://27931166.com 应用描述: 超高真空 Ultra- high vacuum 超高真空、极高真空及其研发技 …
Ultra High Vacuum Compatible Adhesives, Sealants, Coatings, …
Kohesi Bond has specially formulated adhesives, sealants, coatings, potting and encapsulation compounds that are capable of passing all stringent perquisites, including operation over wide temperatures (4K to over 815°C), resistance to acids, bases and solvent, ability to withstand mechanical shocks and CTE mismatches.
Ultrahigh Vacuum (UHV) Conductive Glue
Conductive Vacuum Glue. Epo-Tek H21D and H27D conductive glue / epoxy is a two component, silver filled epoxy adhesive designed for semiconductor, hybrid-microelectronics, and is ideally suited for joining fine instrumentation wires. This conductive epoxy passes NASA's low outgassing standard ASTM E595 with proper cure.
Kurt J. Lesker Company | Vacuum Epoxy | Enabling Technology for …
Silver-filled epoxy glue with high electrical and thermal conductivities for structural bonding. A silicone-based liquid resin designed for sealing leaks in high and UHV systems.
无影胶 - 百度百科
无影胶 固化原理 是UV 固化材料中的 光引发剂 (或 光敏剂)在紫外线的照射下吸收紫外光后产生活性 自由基 或 阳离子,引发单体聚合、交联 化学反应,使 粘合剂 在数秒钟内由液态转化为固态。 预聚物 有: 环氧丙烯酸酯 、 聚氨酯丙烯酸酯 、 聚醚丙烯酸酯 、聚酯 丙烯酸酯 、 丙烯酸树脂 等。 助剂可加可不加,它可以作为 粘接剂 使用,也可作为油漆、涂料、油墨等的胶料使用。 塑料与塑料、塑料与玻璃、塑料与金属等材料的粘接。 主要针对工艺品行业塑料的自粘和互粘,家 …
Allectra超高真空润滑剂,真空胶,Kapton溶剂 - madison-tech
UHV Glue Kapton removal paste 以上就是 北京麦迪森科技有限公司 提供的 Allectra超高真空润滑剂,热接触垫,真空胶和Kapton溶剂, ,如本页面未找到您需要的产品,请咨询客服。