2020年7月7日 · As announced at the 2019 UIAA General Assembly, translations of the UIAA Alpine Summer Skills Handbook continue to grow. The guide which covers general knowledge as well as various aspects of alpine hiking, climbing and alpinism, is produced in collaboration with the Petzl Foundation, and has now been commissioned in sixteen different languages.
University of Illinois Alumni - Welcome, Alumni & Friends!
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Alpine Summer Skills Handbook - UIAA
The Handbook is the result of close collaboration between the UIAA, the Petzl Foundation and the Alpine Club of Canada. A new and fourth edition of the Handbook was recently released in English at 2024 UIAA General Assembly. Print copies can be …
Once an Illini, Always FamILLy – Hail to the Orange! University of ...
Join our virtual community to connect with University of Illinois alumni, faculty, and staff as we explore a variety of book genres—from lifelong learning to novels.
Medical Landing - UIAA
The role of the UIAA Medical Commission, through its recommendation papers, advice pages and the Mountain Medicine Diploma is to give the best possible advice through its network of mountain medicine experts, all medical doctors. Have a mountain-related medical question?
国际登山联合会UIAA绳索标准 - 知乎
UIAA的全名是:(Union Internat ional Alpine Associations),国际登山组织联盟,它是国际间公认有权威能为攀岩器材订立标准的组织。 UIAA标识是指这项产品通过UIAA规定的测试,并达到UIAA所订的标准。 CE则是比UI…
University of Illinois Alumni - uiaa.org
Join our virtual community to connect with fellow University of Illinois alumni, faculty and staff as we read and discuss various book genres such as lifelong learning, personal growth, novels and other topics. Scroll down for more information. Participation is free!
如何使用UIAA官网查询攀登装备是否有UIAA认证 - 知乎
给大家一个查询产品是否有UIAA认证的攻略,惠及更多的岩友山友。 遂发出来自灵魂的拷问,what? 传说中最贵最值得信任的UIAA哪里去了? 只是即使如此依旧疑问? 会不会是P的,是不是假的? 自己搞得? 目前来讲CE是一个强制性的标志,而UIAA不是强制性要印刷在产品上的,重点是加印之后价格会提高。 前方高能! 遂客户大哥扒出来UIAA的官方网站,这总能查得到吧! 这确实能查得到! 我只输入了品牌名字和产品UIAA认证的编号,dong~dong~dong~~齐 …
世界登山联合会(World Mountaineering and el ing Federation,UIAA),成立于1932年,有60多个国家的80个协会会员。 其总部1997年3月设在瑞士。 中国登山协会于1985年10月成为其会员。 将世界的专家集中在一起,研究和帮助登山者在登山方面遇到的各种问题。
UIAA publishes new Declaration on Hiking, Climbing and …
2025年1月23日 · The UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – is delighted to announce the publication of its new declaration on hiking, climbing and mountaineering. The declaration was officially approved at the 2024 UIAA General Assembly in Malta and has been conceived to exist in a number of different formats: