Non-specific interstitial pneumonia - Radiopaedia.org
2025年2月5日 · Non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) is the second most common morphological and pathological pattern of interstitial lung diseases after UIP. NSIP is commonly associated with connective tissue disease (CTD), and a multidisciplinary team best decides the underlying diagnosis and management ref .
Differentiating Between UIP and NSIP | IPF Radiology Rounds
1 天前 · Several key features can help to distinguish NSIP from UIP. While helpful, the differences between UIP and NSIP are often not as obvious as this figure suggests, and the difficulty lies in distinguishing the cases that lie toward the middle.
非特异性间质性肺炎病理诊断中国专家共识(草案) - 中华结核和 …
uip是ipf的病理和影像学表现形式,主要是与纤维化型nsip不易区分 [31,32,33] 。uip的主要鉴别点是:(1)发病年龄较nsip高(2/3为60岁以上的男性);(2)对糖皮质激素无反应,预后差;(3)胸部ct显示病灶以双肺胸膜下和基底部为主的网状影和蜂窝影,磨玻璃影不 ...
Spectrum of Pulmonary Fibrosis from Interstitial Lung Abnormality …
In this review, the evolutionary concepts of UIP, NSIP, and ILA are summarized using tables, figures, and CT-pathologic correlation. Finally, the proposal of CT-based UIP scoring was proposed to facilitate a better understanding of the spectrum from ILA to UIP with attention to traction bronchiectasis.
Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年8月14日 · Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) is one class of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP). NSIP is chronic interstitial pneumonia with the homogeneous appearance of interstitial fibrosis and inflammation. It is nonspecific as it lacks the histopathological features of the other subtypes of the IIP.
Challenges in pulmonary fibrosis · 5: The NSIP/UIP debate
IPF/UIP and NSIP closely mimic each other clinically but NSIP has a far better outcome. However, it remains unclear if NSIP is a truly separate and distinct entity. The histopathological pattern of NSIP can be found in a wide variety of clinical and radiological contexts. This review addresses these and other uncertainties regarding NSIP and UIP.
2018年12月17日 · uip是ipf的病理和影像学表现形式,主要是与纤维化型nsip不易区分。uip的主要鉴别点是:(1)发病年龄较nsip高(2/3为60岁以上的男性);(2)对糖皮质激素无反应,预后差;(3)胸部ct显示病灶以双肺胸膜下和基底部为主的网状影和蜂窝影,磨玻璃影不明显,伴 ...
非特异性间质性肺炎的临床、组织学和CT表现 - iikx
2017年12月30日 · 纤维性 nsip 是由胶原堆积引起间质增厚所致。 nsip 的组织学标志表现为时间均匀性,活检时肺内病灶几乎病程一样且处于同一病变时期。病灶分布也是均匀的。与 uip 相反,后者活检所见
非特异性间质性肺炎 - 百度百科
IIP又进一步分为7种临床病理类型,按发病率高低依次是: 特发性肺纤维化 (IPF)、非特异性间质性肺炎(non-specificinterstitialpneumonia,NSIP)、隐原性机化性肺炎、急性间质性肺炎、呼吸性细支气管炎相关间质性肺病、脱屑性间质性肺炎、 淋巴细胞 性间质性肺炎。 这份共识报告不但统一了对间质性肺病的认识,而且极大推动了间质性肺病的研究进展。 在上述7种临床病理类型中,以IPF最为常见,也是临床医师最为熟悉的,其临床特征和诊断标准也比较明确。 但是, …
2023年12月27日 · 非特异性间质性肺炎(nonspecific interstitial pneumonia,NSIP)是间质性肺炎的一种类型,1994年Katzenstein和Fiorelli首次提出NSIP这一概念,用于描述难以分类的间质性肺炎,经过多年的研究,目前认为NSIP是一种独立的疾病(病理类型)。 NISP可以是特发性的,也可继发于感染(如人免疫缺陷病毒)、自身免疫性疾病如结缔组织病(Connective tissue disease,CTD)、药物性肺损伤和有机粉尘的吸入等,称为继发性NSIP。 原因不明者称之 …
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