Incontinence Impact Questionnaire, Short Form (IIQ-7) Some people find that accidental urine loss may affect their activities, relationships, and feeilngs. For each question, circle the response that best describes how much your activities, relationships, and feelings are being affected by urine leakage over the past month.
UIQ-7 | Urinary Impact Questionnaire-7 described in ePROVIDE
Access up-to-date information on the Urinary Impact Questionnaire-7 (UIQ-7): copyright, licensing, scoring, translations, ...
尿失禁影响问卷简表的引进和人群验证 - 中华妇产科杂志
目的 引进和验证尿失禁影响问卷简表(IIQ-7),并探讨其在中国人群中的信度与效度.方法 对IIQ-7英文原版进行中文简体版本的译制;选取74例尿失禁患者填写IIQ-7中文简体版、健康调查简表(SF-12)并行1 h尿垫实验,分析IIQ-7中文简体版的信度和效度.结果 (1)IIQ-7中文简体版 ...
Short forms to assess life quality and symptom distress for urinary incontinence in women: The incontinence impact questionnaire and the urogenital distress inventory. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 14, 131-139.
尿失禁影响问卷简版IIQ-7 - 百度文库
尿失禁影响问卷简版iiq-7 编号,姓名, 填表日期,术前/术后月(请标注是术前的还是术后几月的评分) 下面这些问题涉及到你生活的几个方面,它们可能受到了尿失禁的影响或因尿失禁而改变。
尿失禁影响问卷简表(IIQ-7) - MedSci
Moore KN, Jensen L. Testing of the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ-7) with men after radical prostatectomy. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2000 Nov;27 (6):304-12. 下载梅斯医学APP,方便讨论,随时阅读! 立即前往下载 >>
附录7 尿失禁影响问卷简版IIQ-7 - 百度文库
附录7 尿失禁影响问卷简版 下面这些问题涉及你生活的几个方面,他们有可能受到了尿失禁的影响或因尿失禁而改变。 尿失禁可能影响到你的一些日常活动、人际关系或者个人情绪,请在每道题的后面把最符合你自身情况的选项勾出来。
Incontinence Impact Questionnaire - Short Form (IIQ-7)
To measure the impact of urinary incontinence on activities, roles, and emotional states in women. Uebersax JS,WymanJF, Shumaker SA, et al. Short forms to assess life quality and symptom distress for urinary incontinence in women: the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire and the Urogenital Distress Inventory.
尿失禁影响问卷简表的引进和人群验证 - 维普期刊官网
摘要 目的引进和验证尿失禁影响问卷简表(IIQ-7),并探讨其在中国人群中的信度与效度。 方法对IIQ-7英文原版进行中文简体版本的译制;选取74例尿失禁患者填写IIQ-7中文简体版、健康调查简表(SF-12)并行1h尿垫实验,... 展开更多 目的引进和验证尿失禁影响问卷简表(IIQ-7),并探讨其在中国人群中的信度与效度。 方法对IIQ-7英文原版进行中文简体版本的译制;选取74例尿失禁患者填写IIQ-7中文简体版、健康调查简表(SF-12)并行1h尿垫实验,分析IIQ-7中文简体 …
尿失禁影响问卷简表的引进和人群验证 - 钛学术文献 ...
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