Find an energy certificate - GOV.UK
Find a property's energy certificate including an energy performance certificate (EPC), display energy certificate (DEC) or air conditioning inspection certificate.
Selling a home: Energy Performance Certificates - GOV.UK
An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) tells you how energy efficient a property is. You must have an EPC when you’re: selling a property; renting out a property;...
Get a new energy certificate - GOV.UK
Get a new energy certificate for your property: energy performance certificate (EPC), display energy certificate (DEC) or air conditioning inspection certificate. Find an assessor to get a ...
Energy Performance Certificate (United Kingdom) - Wikipedia
Energy performance certificates (EPCs) are a rating scheme to summarise the energy efficiency of buildings. [1][2] The building is given a rating between A (Very efficient) - G (Inefficient). The EPC will also include tips about the most cost-effective ways to improve the home energy rating.
想在英国买房?效能评级(EPC Rating)了解一下! - 知乎专栏
EPC Rating全称Energy Performance Certificate Rating, 简单来说EPC Rating 就是对房屋消耗能源消耗率的评级。 这个评级主要用于在房屋租赁或买卖的时候,买方或者租客可以在交易前根据评级的等级大概地估算出每个月的账单是多少。
英國買樓注意事項:EPC rating 能源性能證書評級是甚麼? - Wise
2023年8月8日 · EPC(Energy Performance Certificates)是英國政府設立的能源性能證書指引,旨在評估建築物的能源使用及其效率。 能源性能證書由A級(最高效)到G級(最低效)組成七個等級,目前在英國的物業平均等級為D級。 根據英國政府規定,當在建房屋竣工,或準備出租或出售物業時,業主必須先取得能源性能證書。 根據指引,當中仍有幾類建築物可豁免證書要求,例如宗教場所、使用少於兩年的臨時建築物、可用總面積小於50平方米的獨立建築物等。 EPC …
Energy Performance of Buildings Data England and Wales
Access to Energy Performance Certificates and Display Energy Certificates data for buildings in England and Wales. Searchable, browsable and downloadable individually or in bulk. Register now for access to the data.
The proposed new EPC rules for landlords • The Independent …
2025年2月25日 · If already EPC C. If a landlord already has an EPC rated C or above under the current system, the property would be recognised as compliant until the EPC expires (usually 10 years after issue). If the EPC is below EPC C. If a property is below EPC C, the landlord would need to obtain a new EPC using the updated methodology before making ...
綠色房產新趨勢:深入了解 EPC能源性能證書
2024年6月4日 · 英國政府在2007年推出EPC能源性能證書 (Energy Performance Certificate),用來衡量房屋的能源效益指標,級別由最高節能效率的A級,至最低節能效率的G級,評級越高,代表能源是越有效率的被使用。 通常C級或以上的物業能源表現就已經很不錯,整個英國及威爾斯地區的平均評級為D。 EPC能源性能證書有效期為10年,過期則需重新申請,房東在出租或是出售時,都應提供有效的EPC給租客或是買家。 2. EPC Rating怎麼計算的. 評估物業能源效能時,主要 …
Energy Performance Certificate: In-Depth Guide (+ EPC Map for UK…
The average EPC rating for the UK is band D. The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) contains information about how much energy a property consumes and the average cost of the energy bills. The certificate also contains suggestions and recommendations for improving the energy efficiency of the property.