UK HealthCare EpicCare Link
As an EpicCare Link user, you receive free, view-only access to important information about your patient’s care at UK HealthCare, including: discharge summaries, consult and operative reports, imaging, lab results, immunizations, medications and much more. EpicCare Link is the preferred method to refer patients to our organization.
UK ePI Task Force
The UK Electronic Patient Information Task Force. Our purpose is to facilitate a move to user-centred, digital-first medicines information that is inclusive and accessible for all, better for patients and the environment.
United Kingdom - Environmental Performance Index
The EPI has been updated for 2024! View the 2024 EPI Results. Proj. GHG Emissions. EPI Scores for this country and peers based on similar characteristics.
The Education Policy Institute
The Education Policy Institute is an independent, evidence-based research institute that aims to promote high quality education outcomes for young people.
Environmental Performance Index - Wikipedia
The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is a method of quantifying and numerically marking the environmental performance of a state's policies, highlightning the degradation of the planet's life-supporting systems on which humanity depends. A world economy that continues to rely heavily on fossil fuels translates into ongoing air and water ...
Education Policy Institute - Wikipedia
The Education Policy Institute (EPI) is an education policy think tank that aims to promote high-quality education outcomes through research and analysis. [2] It is based at 150 Buckingham Palace Road, in central London .
Resources - UK ePI Task Force
Here are links to useful information on electronic patient information. UK ePI Task Force evidence review: electronic patient information leaflets (ePILs)- August 2024. One Size Doesn’t Fit All - reimagining medicines information for patients: a report reviewing findings from patient and healthcare professional engagement - March 2023.
Environmental Performance Index
The 2024 EPI combines 58 indicators across 11 issue categories, ranging from climate change mitigation and air pollution to waste management, sustainability of fisheries and agriculture, deforestation, and biodiversity protection.
About - UK ePI Task Force
We are a group of UK medicines manufacturers, NHS organisations and the UK medicines regulator, working together to facilitate digital-first medicines information for patients, while ensuring no-one is left behind.
Environmental Performance Index
The 2024 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) provides a data-driven summary of the state of sustainability around the world. Using 58 performance indicators across 11 issue categories, the EPI ranks 180 countries on climate change performance, …