[Withdrawn] MOD Architecture Framework - GOV.UK
2012年12月12日 · The MOD Architecture Framework (MODAF) is a set of rules that support defence planning and change management activities.
MODAF - Wikipedia
The British Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF) was an architecture framework which defined a standardised way of conducting enterprise architecture, originally developed by the UK Ministry of Defence. It has since been replaced with the NATO Architecture Framework.
MOD Architecture Framework website download - GOV.UK
2010年6月4日 · A PDF version of the Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF) website for downloading. MODAF has been replaced with the NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) V4. NAF V4 can be found on...
What is the MODAF Architecting Process? The overall approach to developing a MODAF compliant architecture is broadly the same regardless of which MOD community is doing the...
British Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF)
2023年3月14日 · What is the British Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF)? MODAF is an internationally recognized enterprise architecture framework that is designed to help Defence planners and change managers effectively understand complex issues.
- [PDF]
G O V. U K
The MOD Architecture Framework (MODAF) is a set of rules that support defence planning and change management activities. Published 12 December 2012 From: Ministry of Defence (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ministry-of-defence) C o n t e n t s Overview Who should use this guidance MODAF guidance Viewpoints and Views
MODAF is based on the DoDAF version 1 baseline, and this section summarises the main distinctions between MODAF – as represented by the MODAF Meta Model (M3) – and the current version of...
This article will illustrate the use of MODAF with reference to common challenges for capability integration based on analysis of the Defence Lines of Development DLODs). Within MOD, the DLODs...
MODAF website download - GOV.UK
2010年6月2日 · This is designed to act as a printable manual or reference guide for the MODAF practitioner. Please be aware of the large size of this document, if it is not needed then please don’t print....
The paper describes the development of a UK ISTAR architecture, compliant with the US Department of Defense Architecture Framework (and the UK MOD AF), and its application to ISTAR capability management.