UKF 213 K/H - Ball bearing units | SKF - SKF USA
Flanged ball bearing units consisting of an insert bearing mounted in a composite or cast metal housing that can be bolted to a machine wall or frame. In addition to being part of a unit, some flanged housings for insert bearings are available as separate components.
UKF 213 K/H - 球轴承单元 | SKF - SKF USA
ukf 213 k/h 带复合材料或铸钢轴承座的法兰式球轴承单元 法兰式球轴承单元包括安装在复合材料或铸铁轴承座内的嵌入式轴承,能通过螺栓安装在机器侧壁或框架上。
Helpful and interesting information as well as technical basics can be found in our knowledge base. You are welcome to look at this series of measurements from all sides with our interactive CAD model.
UKF213-36H - SNR - Bearing units - ntn-snr.com
Grey cast housing, radial insert ball bearing with adapter sleeve,seal with slinger.
UKF213-J7 FAG • ABF Store
The UKF213-J7 FAG is a housing unit. The components of this bearing and housing assembly are matched to each other for reliable operation. This complete set is ready for use and easy to install. Housings simplify the installation of the bearing and shaft. Additionally, the bearing is supported and protected by the housing.
UKP 213 K/H - 球轴承单元 | SKF - SKF USA
立式(轴台式)轴承单元包含一个安装在复合材料或铸铁轴承座内的嵌入式轴承,轴承座可通过螺栓安装在支撑面上。 除了作为单元的部件,一些用于嵌入式轴承的立式轴承座可作为单独部件供货。 SKF 产品范围包括符合多种工业标准和满足多种需求的单元。
UKF213 FAG • ABF Store
The UKF213 FAG is a housing unit. The components of this bearing and housing assembly are matched to each other for reliable operation. This complete set is ready for use and easy to install. Housings simplify the installation of the bearing and shaft. Additionally, the bearing is supported and protected by the housing.
UKF 213+H. | Friedrich Braun GmbH
UKF213 Unita di supporto flangiato: Informati online ... - Schaeffler
UKF213 Unita di supporto flangiato su Schaeffler medias visualizza tutti i dati sul prodotto & acquista online.
Asahi UKF 213 Square Flanged Unit - SLS Bearings
Asahi UKF 213 Square Flanged Unit. Reliable quality for your needs. Buy now!!