UL30 .A16.0/I UKF • SP
UL30 .A16.0/I Spindle Bearings with Spacer Ball. Inner Diameter: 30mm, Outer Diameter: 62mm, Weight: 230g.
Spindle Bearings - Universal Kugellager Fabrik GmbH - www.ukf…
Spindle Bearings and Bearing Cartridges are manufactured in Precision Classes from UKF I (Standard) to UKF 0, or even higher. Axial runouts of the inner ring (which is the rotating part in most cases), to < 1 µm, (bore d < 50 mm), in accordance with …
UL30 .A16.I/I UKF • SP - sp-spareparts.com
UL30 .A16.I/I Spindle Bearings with Spacer Ball. Inner Diameter: 30mm, Outer Diameter: 62mm, Weight: 230g.
Other Bearing UL-30-A-16-00-UKF 30x62x16mm.
The Other Bearing, known as UL-30-A-16-00-UKF Generic, has an inner diameter of 30 mm, an outer diameter of 62 mm and a thickness of 16 mm. Your price: $879.59 8 to 10 days
德国UKF轴承70USS25 719USS15 70USS15.A21.I/I.M机床主轴轴承
UKF主轴轴承719、70系列是预组装的通用轴承,硬组织,自他维持,具有优化的滚珠轴承角21a,用于具有良好轴向刚度的高速。 硬质组织保持架,可自动保持,优化的滚珠角为21º,可实现高速且具有良好的轴向刚性。 UKF带分离球的高精度角接触球轴承,由于低磨损的滚动滚珠导轨,增加的滚珠数量和自动调节的轴承预紧力,经久耐用,并具有很高的运行精度。 滚珠接触角16º,根据DIN 628第5部分标准,精度P5 ... P4 ... P2 ... HQ,单列轴承空间中的双列。 UKF …
UL30.A16.1/1 UKF Spindle bearing 30x62x16 — roulement.net
Spindle bearing Reference UL30.A16.1/1 UKF brand Internal diameter 30mm External diameter 62mm Width 16mm
UL30 德国UKF机床轴承 - 机电之家网
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UL30 .A16.0/I UKF • SP
UL30 .A16.0/I Spindle Bearings with Spacer Ball. Diámetro interior: 30mm, Diámetro exterior: 62mm, Peso: 230g.
UL30A - 服务支持 - 华硕商城
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UL30 .A16.I/1 UKF • SP
UL30 .A16.I/1 Spindle Bearings with Spacer Ball. Inner Diameter: 30mm, Outer Diameter: 62mm, Weight: 230g.