The UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP) is the portal for government departments, agencies, learners, and employers to share key information about learning providers. Search the UKRLP for a learning provider
1. To enter an address, please enter a postcode and press the search button
The UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP) is delivered by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), an executive agency of the Department for Education (DfE) through this website - www.ukrlp.co.uk (the 'Website'). This privacy notice explains how we …
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Primary contact address Mr Simon Cook Principal Medway Road Gillingham Kent ME7 1FN
Primary contact address Ms Ellen Thinnesen Principal Bede Centre Durham Road Sunderland SR3 4AH
Primary contact address Mr Keith Smith CEO Park Road Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 1NQ
Legal Address Unit E3 Knights Park Knights Road Strood ME2 2LS
The Education and Skills Funding Agency provides technical support from 9:00am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday, to Registered Users via the UKRLP helpdesk on 0345 202 1600.
Primary contact address Dr Peter Bonfield Vice-Chancellor 309 Regent Street London W1B 2HW