Fire rated partitions - 1hr and 2hr - JLC-Online Forums
2007年2月18日 · Sometimes the wall finishes (GWB) are part of the fire rating system, sometimes they're not - all depends on the UL assembly. If the wall finishes are not part of the assembly, …
Ul- U465 - JLC-Online Forums
2008年7月3日 · Re: Ul- U465 6"x20g. runs me about .68 plf in N/Central FL. I build to U465 often and there isn't a need for a firestop other than a sealed top track (as far as my municipaility …
Need a UL Listed design for a 1 hour fire rated load bearing …
2012年10月1日 · Re: Need a UL Listed design for a 1 hour fire rated load bearing exterior wall assem I don't remember off hand the exact web sites, but go to the American Plywood …
Repairing Chewed/Frayed Cable - JLC-Online Forums
2008年11月22日 · Third UL does not list the tape as sheathing Forth all splice points have to be made in a junction or outlet box and can never be left open. Finally I sure do hope that those …
Welding Cable, where is it in the NEC? - JLC-Online Forums
2005年2月20日 · Materials are to be used as intended. One of the sources as to what the 'intent' was is the UL "white book," where UL summarises the criteria that applied to the product. …
Fireproof paint - JLC-Online Forums
2008年6月29日 · While I was there, they had a display from "International Fireproof Technology, Inc." (at least I think thats their name). It was demonstrating an exterior primer (latex) that …
fire rating with exposed wood joists - JLC-Online Forums
2009年8月3日 · So, I checked the UL books just to double check the architect. Called a city fire engineer and the lazy clock watcher didn't want to get involved. So, I have two choices: 1. Hire …
Using after market/universal type breakers - JLC-Online Forums
2007年4月10日 · Cutler Hammer Type CL breakers have been Classified by UL for use in place of UL listed breakers in UL listed panelboards. Phase and Max. Voltage Single-Phase, 3-Wire, …
One hour fire rated exterior wall - JLC-Online Forums
2010年11月16日 · Now the new plan checker wants me to indicate a specific assembly listed in the IRC table 720.1 or a UL approved assembly. for a one hour wall. There are dozens in the …
Fire door self closing hinge problem - JLC-Online Forums
2007年8月6日 · So installing door closers, panic hardware, coordinators, viewing peeps, flip-down doorstops, and magnetic hold open catches doesn't void the fire rating of the doors, so long as …