Product iQ | UL Solutions - UL Prospector
Product iQ is UL Solutions' online location for certification information. It combines data from many legacy UL solutions, including the Online Certification Directory, Product Spec and several iQ databases into one streamlined experience.
WWW.VULCRAFT.COM VULCRAFT UL FLOOR - 7 | SEPTEMBER 2020 VULCRAFT® DOVETAIL FORMLOK® DECK UL FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES UL Fire Resistance Ratings Restrained Assembly Ratings (hr.) Type of Protection Concrete Thickness & Type UL Design No. Deck Type Unrestrained Beam Rating 2D 3.5D (hr.) 110 Unprotected Deck 2" LW & 23/4" NW D904 ü 3/4 D961 ü 3/4 ...
The table on the following pages lists the UL fire rated assemblies that include Vulcraft composite and non-composite decks profiles. This summary table is provided to assist in identification of assemblies to meet specific project requirements. Refer to the particular UL assembly for full details of construction including, specific
Floor-Ceiling Assemblies, UL Fire Rated Floor & Ceiling Designs - USG
Here, you can find drawings for our UL fire-rated floor assemblies and UL fire-rated ceiling assemblies. Our range of drawings can help pros plan projects more effectively by utilizing designs for a fire-rated ceiling assembly.
EPICORE MSR Floor System - Infinity Structures
EPICORE MSR has its own exclusive U.L. fire rating (D-938). The “Bare” Epicore MSR slab is automatically UL fire rated, so you do not need an expensive fire rated ceiling or spray-on protection.
UL Designs & Thickness — Floor Assemblies | Resource - GCPAT
2025年2月11日 · Discover Monokote products, UL Designs & Thickness and more about floor assemblies. Get started.
Visit UL’s Product iQTM database for current status of Report. 1. SUBJECT: MAXXON STANDARD and MAXXON HIGH STRENGTH UNDERLAYMENTS, and ENCAPSULATED SOUND MAT FLOOR MAT. 2. SCOPE OF EVALUATION . 3. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. ANSI/UL263 (ASTM E119), Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials.
Fire Resistance Products, Systems and Designs | UL Solutions
2020年9月16日 · We provide training, advisory, testing, Verification, inspection and certification services for the fire resistance industry to help you get compliant products to the market faster.
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D938; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
ASTM D 938 - 12 (2017) Standard美国材料与试验协会标准 - 道客 …
2019年5月22日 · 内容提示: Designation: D938 − 12 (Reapproved 2017) British Standard 5088Designation: 76/70(95)Standard Test Method forCongealing Point of Petroleum Waxes, IncludingPetrolatum 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D938; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.