5.Batts and Blankets* — Glass fiber or mineral wool insulation bearing the UL Classification Marking as to Surface Burning Characteristics and/or Fire Resistance. Nom 3-1/2 in. thick insulation shall be draped over the furring channels (Item 6a) and gypsum board ceiling membrane, and friction-fitted
Assembly Detail - UL L521 - USG
UL L521. Wood Truss. Fire Rating: 1 hours: System STC: 59 System IIC: 48: System Thickness: 20 3/4 in. CAD/Revit & Acoustics. Revit PDF. Visit UL L521 on the UL website. More; Assembly Construction. Assembly Construction. Layer 1 - Finish Flooring: 1 layer Bare Floor.
Maxxon® Gyp-Crete® underlayments are available in more than 140 UL and ULC fire-resistance rated designs. Maxxon® Acousti-Mat® products are available in over 140 UL fire-resistant rated designs and backed by thousands of third-party sound tests. For questions or personalized support, contact Maxxon at (800) 356-7887.
zFire resistance assemblies and products are developed by the design submitter and have been investigated by UL for compliance with applicable requirements. The published information cannot always address every construction nuance encountered in the field.
UL L581 : r/Architects - Reddit
2023年2月1日 · Basically a remediation solution when you can't do anything about the floor composition above. Put a more robust underlayment on the flooring above and you can simplify this detail. Guessing the Architect just wanted to be …
ICW | Wood-Frame Ceiling Hanger - Kinetics Noise Control
UL Design L581 covers one-hour rating for multiple structural framing members. Ask Kinetics for CAD details to help you with your design.
Using UL Design L583, designers can incorporate IsoMax onto any wood structural framing member currently available for wood-framed construction e.g., engineered wood I-beams, parallel chord trusses, and conventional wood joists, to achieve a one-hour floor-ceiling design.
Here we present the components of fire rated UL Designs for wood framed floor/ceilings and the requirements needed for meeting sound control per Section 1207 of the International Building Code® (IBC®).
2020年11月12日 · Finish Flooring* — Min 3/4 in. thickness of any Floor Topping Mixture bearing the UL Classification Marking as to Fire Resistance. See Floor- and Roof-Topping Mixtures (CCOX) category for names of Classified Companies.