Assembly Detail - UL L521 - USG
UL L521. Wood Truss. Fire Rating: 1 hours: System STC: 59 System IIC: 48: System Thickness: 20 3/4 in. CAD/Revit & Acoustics. Revit PDF. Visit UL L521 on the UL website. More; Assembly Construction. Assembly Construction. Layer 1 - Finish Flooring: 1 layer Bare Floor.
Structural Steel Members* — Pre-fabricated light gauge steel truss system consisting of cold-formed, galvanized steel chord and web sections. Trusses fabricated in various sizes, depths, and from various steel thickness. Trusses spaced a max of 48 in. OC. . 2.
Subflooring — Nom 23/32 in. thick wood structural panels installed perpendicular to trusses with end joints staggered. Plywood or panels secured to trusses with construction adhesive and No. 6d ringed shank nails, spaced 12 in. OC along each truss.
P521 Steel Truss System Steel Deck 1/2" Gypsum Wall board InsulFoam EPS, min. 1"- thick, no max. thickness Class A, B, C Roof Cover Note: One layer 5/8" gypsum wall board to underside of truss. P525 Steel Truss System Steel Deck 1/2" Gypsum Wall Board InsulFoam EPS, min. 1"- thick, no max. thickness Class A, B, C Roof Cover
Specifications and UL Details – Superior Truss and Panel
Underwriters lab fire rated roof and floor truss assemblies (restrained and unrestrained 1, 1 1/2, and 2 hour UL assemblies) Roof trusses. Design UL “P521” Design UL “P523” Design UL “P540” Floor trusses. Design UL “G540” Design UL “L549” Design UL “L565” Basic wind speed chart for USA; Snow drift load chart for USA
Fire-RatedFire-resistance ratings have long been used by UL, ASTM and building codes to measure the performance of various constructions for fire containment purposes. As applied to elements of buildings, the fire-resistance rating classifies the ability of an assembly
The UL assembilies listed below are Cretified for use in Canada by UL and comply with CAN/ULC S101 for fire resistence. The Standards Council of Canada recognizes UL as an accredited testing and cerification organization for certification of materials and systems to Canadian standards.
DUROCKcement board is preferred bnapplicators as a base for directla, tile, thin-brick used in building exteriors. DUROCK™Corrosion-resistant; 8-gauge; wafer heads with countersinking ribs to prevent strip-out; self-drilling points. Tstile backer screws for wood framing come in three lengths: 1-1/4", 1-5/8" and 2-1/4".
UL Inc. Fabrication & installation by: Superior-Truss & Panel Inc. 2204 W. 159th St Markham, Illinois 60426 Ph. 708-339-1200 Fx. 708-339-1248 Web Site: www.superior-truss.com Contact: Mike Goncher or Bryce Welty . Title: Guide BXUV Author: owner Created Date:
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