BXUV.P555 - Fire-resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 - studylib.net
Structural Steel Members* — Pre-fabricated light gauge steel truss system consisting of cold-formed, galvanized steel chord. and web members. Trusses fabricted in various sizes, depths, and from various steel thickness. Trusses spaced a …
Roof-Ceiling Assemblies, UL Fire Rated Roof Designs | USG
Helpful documents and resources for USG’s roof assemblies can be found on this page. Refer to our roof-ceiling assembly documents, which includes UL fire-rated roof assemblies, for easy guidance through the assembly of a roof or ceiling on your next project.
Fire dampers are tested as part of fire-resistance rated vertical or horizontal assemblies in accordance with the Standard for Fire Dampers, UL 555, and are covered under the Dampers for Fire Barrier and Smoke Applications (EMME) category.
issued Standard UL 555S – Leakage Rated Dampers for Use in Smoke Control Systems. Resulting from ten years of smoke damper examination and testing, the standard establishes reliability testing procedures and provides classification of leakage and tempera-ture for smoke dampers. UL qualification and leakage classification of a
Explaining UL Solutions Guide Information for Fire-resistance …
2022年8月8日 · The UL certification for an hourly-fire-resistance rating is only published for assemblies (construction method and materials) that have been tested by UL and fully comply with the testing criteria of UL 263 (ASTM E119).
ASC Steel Deck has been evaluated for fire resistance per UL 263 Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. See UL directory for fire rated assemblies.
UL 555 | UL Standards & Engagement | UL Bulletin
2008年5月22日 · 1.6 Combination fire and smoke dampers and corridor dampers shall also comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Smoke Dampers, UL 555S. 1.7 Fire dampers for dynamic systems are intended for use where the airflow is operational at the time of fire, such as in a smoke control system, or from other situations in which the fan ...
防火阀UL安全标准UL555介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
组合防火防烟风门和走廊风门还应符合防烟风门标准 UL 555S 中的适用要求。 用于动态系统的防火阀适用于发生火灾时气流运行的情况,例如烟雾控制系统,或火灾时风扇系统运行的其他情况。 如果在穿过防火屏障的管道中需要防火阀,并且管道也用作烟雾控制系统的一部分,则系统设计人员应确定哪种类型的防火阀适用于该应用。 动态系统的防火阀仅针对在热气流条件下的动态关闭进行评估。 具有高温额定值的组合防火和防烟风门以及走廊风门在加热气流条件下进行动态关 …
UL 555 | UL Standards & Engagement | UL Standard
2006年7月12日 · An electronic document associated with a UL Standard for Safety or Outline of Investigation, and issued by UL to propose: A revision of a single or multiple requirement(s). A complete new edition of an existing Standard or Outline.
Fire resistance rating testing on these assemblies is performed in accordance with the American Society of Testing & Materials Standard Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials (ASTM E119) or Underwriters Laboratories Fire Resistance Ratings (ANSI/UL 263).