6v6 PP UL bias point - diyAudio
2020年9月22日 · This article does extensive testing of 6V6 SE UL showing optimum bias points at a range of B+ voltages. Optimization of the 6V6 SE-UL | Cascade Tubes Steve
anyone tryed 6V6 pp ultra linear - diyAudio
2016年7月3日 · A pair of 6V6 should get about 12W in UL mode with quite low distortion, if there is enough negative feedback. The only draw back with UL is the screen grids run at a similar potential as the anodes, so watch out for your HT supply!
6V6 or 6AQ5 PP integrated amp w/CCS - diyAudio
2017年6月27日 · The 6V6 / 6AQ5 schematic is only basically similar to the 5902 schematic but the 5902 B+ and bias point is much lower. The 5902 also uses a different (4k impedance) output transformer. (The 6V6 /6AQ5 in U.L. mode requires an 8k impedance for the OT.)
Chinese 6P6P (6V6) Push-Pull Tube Amplifier Kit - DIY AUDIO …
3 天之前 · NEW Matt presents bias and operation data for the 6V6 tube in SE operation - 6V6 Single-Ended (SE) Ultra Linear (UL) Bias Optimization.
6V6 Single-Ended (SE) Ultra Linear (UL) Bias Optimization
2016年4月18日 · Anyone that knows me also knows that the 6V6 is probably my favorite power pentode to be run in the "Ultra Linear" or "UL" topology. This is especially the case when Single-Ended (SE) designs are considered.
DIY Push-Pull (PP) 6V6 / 6V6GT Tube Amplifier Schematic
2009年12月21日 · A DIY Push-Pull (PP) 6V6 Tube Amplifier built following the Dynaco A-410 6V6 Tube Amp Schematic.
Looking for a simple 6V6/6AQ5 PP design
2023年1月31日 · Is 5K really too low if they are being run in UL? A 6AQ5 is a miniature 6V6 with lower ratings, same curves in RCA manual. 5k is too low, for sure. maybe worth a read, contains some references specifically for UL operation of 6v6 tubes.
Optimization of the 6V6 SE-UL - Cascade Tubes
2022年10月22日 · Now in fairness, there is “some” information concerning the 6V6 in UL mode available on the internet. However, the majority of this information is focused on push-pull configurations and finding the “optimum” point for the UL taps on the output transformer.
Good sounding 6V6 PP UL driver circuit? - diyAudio
2003年4月1日 · For a tube with low voltage drive requirements like 6V6, it's tough to beat the classic high gain voltage amp direct coupled to a split load. Your variation of the Mullard circuit is a much more viable choice than the SRPP/paraphase thingy, and if this were a 6L6 output stage, it might be the topology of choice.
6V6プッシュプルアンプ - honmatsu-amp.net
このアンプは狙い通り現代的な音がする高性能アンプとなりました。 スペックの数値がそのまま音に出てくるタイプのアンプです。 全ての音がしっかりしていて破綻が無く、ソースを選ばないため安心して使えるアンプです。 差動回路とNF量のせいかULと3結を切り替えてみても、それほど音色に差が出ませんでした。 UL接続でも締まった低域が気持ち良いです。 心残りなのはやはりデザインでしょうか。 もっと古びた感じにしたかったのですが、ついつい端正な感じ …