UL Wall Assemblies, Fire Rated Wall Designs | USG
USG provides resources here for our UL wall assemblies for seamless integration into any construction project. These wall assembly files are used for planning and estimation purposes for many UL wall types, such as fire-rated wall assemblies.
Above Grade Walls - BASF Neopor
Neopor Graphite Polystyrene (GPS) is ideal for use as an above grade exterior insulation in commercial construction projects. Click here to learn more.
Fire-RatedFire-resistance ratings have long been used by UL, ASTM and building codes to measure the performance of various constructions for fire containment purposes. As applied to elements of buildings, the fire-resistance rating classifies the ability of an assembly
UL Fire-Rated | Westbrook Concrete Block
Westbrook Block is a proud producer of Underwriters Laboratories® (UL®) Approved Fire-Rated CMU, both Light Weight and Normal Weight densities, in 2-, 3- and 4-hour configurations. Allowing for safe means of egress and a higher fire rating, these blocks should no longer be looked at as JUST standard grey CMU.
ooth, reflective aluminum on the other. Designed for continuous insulation, ThermaxTM (ci)’s foam core is homogenous – featuring finer cell size and better cell orientation, reducing voids and knit lines – resulting in one of the highest R-values(2) available for immediate insulation and weather protection on the job site, a.
Rmax has tested and obtained classifications through Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for the use of various wall insulation products in fire resistant rated Wall and Partition assemblies per ANSI/UL 263.
R8811 for Owens Corning Science and Technology, LLC | UL …
The document listing is represented by a combination of the UL CCN and File Number. A UL CCN (Category Control Number) is the code that represents the Product Category (Category Description). See below for more info on those terms.
Vesmody® U902 聚氨酯增稠剂_南京磬海商贸有限公司
Vesmody® U902 是一款高效强假塑型非离子聚氨酯增稠剂,能有效增加水性体系的低剪切粘度,触变性大,对涂膜的耐水性和光泽性影响小。 适用于任何水性体系的增稠,尤其适合在纺织涂料、建筑涂料及工业涂料中应用。
Any fiber reinforcement bearing the UL Classification Marking for Fire Resistance, Classified for use in lieu of welded wire fabric. See Fiber Reinforcement (CBXQ) Category for names of manufacturers.
ermal performance and water resistance. As a UV stable material, THERMAX XARMORTM (ci) Exterior Insulatio. can remain uncovered up to six months. With its low perm rating and high insulating value, THERMAX XARMORTM (ci) Exterior Insulation reduces the potential for condensation within the wall assembl.