ULP 协处理器编程 - ESP32 - — ESP-IDF 编程指南 v5.2.5 文档
ULP(Ultra Low Power,超低功耗)协处理器是一种简单的有限状态机 (FSM),可以在主处理器处于深度睡眠模式时,使用 ADC、温度传感器和外部 I2C 传感器执行测量操作。 ULP 协处理器可以访问 RTC_SLOW_MEM 内存区域及 RTC_CNTL 、 RTC_IO 、 SARADC 外设中的寄存器。 ULP 协处理器使用 32 位固定宽度的指令,32 位内存寻址,配备 4 个 16 位通用寄存器。 在 ESP-IDF 项目中,此协处理器被称作 ULP FSM。 ULP FSM 协处理器代码由汇编语言编写,使用 …
ULP RISC-V 协处理器编程 - ESP32-S3 - — ESP-IDF 编程指南 v5.2.5 …
ulp risc-v 协处理器编程 . ulp risc-v 协处理器是 ulp 的一种变体,用于 esp32-s3。与 ulp fsm 类似,ulp risc-v 协处理器可以在主 cpu 处于低功耗模式时执行传感器读数等任务。其与 ulp fsm 的主要区别在于,ulp risc-v 可以通过标准 gnu 工具使用 c 语言进行编程。
ULP Coprocessor Programming - ESP32 - Espressif Systems
The Ultra Low Power (ULP) coprocessor is a simple finite state machine (FSM) which is designed to perform measurements using the ADC, temperature sensor, and external I2C sensors, while the main processors are in Deep-sleep mode.
ULP 误差指标 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
这里想总结以及分享下关于ULP这一指标的理解 介绍. 熟知的衡量计算精度的指标如 相对误差(relative error)、绝对误差(absolute error)在衡量计算精度的时候都存在一定的问题。 这里引用下最近看的SIRNN 文章的例子:
MIPI D-PHYv2.5笔记(12) -- Clock Lane的ULPS - CSDN博客
2023年4月4日 · 尽管Clock Lane不包含常规的 Escape Mode,但Clock Lane要支持ULPS(Untra-Low Power State)。 Clock Lane通过一个Clock Lane Untra-Low Power State Entry过程进入到ULPS状态。 这个过程以Stop状态为起点,发送侧驱动TX-ULPS-Rqst State(LP-10),随后驱动TX-ULPS State(LP-00)。 在此之后,Clock Lane进入ULPS。 如果有错误发生,在TX-ULPS-Rqst状态之后,LP-01或LP-11会被立即检测到,Untra-Low Power State Entry过程被中断, …
Programming ULP coprocessor using C macros — ESP-IDF 编程指 …
Programming ULP coprocessor using C macros¶. In addition to the existing binutils port for the ESP32 ULP coprocessor, it is possible to generate programs for the ULP by embedding assembly-like macros into an ESP32 application. Here is an example how this can be done:
ESP32-S2 ULP coprocessor instruction set - Read the Docs
ULP coprocessor can access 8k bytes of RTC_SLOW_MEM memory region. Memory is addressed in 32-bit word units. It can also access peripheral registers in RTC_CNTL, RTC_IO, and SENS peripherals. All instructions are 32-bit. Jump instructions, ALU instructions, peripheral register and memory access instructions are executed in 1 cycle.
SRT-Lab/ULP - GitHub
ULP is a highly accurate log parsing tool, the ability to extract templates from unstructured log data. ULP learns from sample log data to recognize future log events. It combines pattern matching and frequency analysis techniques. First, log events are organized into groups using a text processing method.
espulp – ESP Ultra Low Power Processor Module — Adafruit …
The espulp module adds ability to load and run programs on the ESP32-Sx’s ultra-low-power RISC-V processor. Return the RTC GPIO number of the given pin or None if not connected to RTC GPIO. The ULP architectures available. The ULP Finite State Machine. The ULP RISC-V Coprocessor. The ultra-low-power processor.
As long as the ULP oscillator is reasonably stable until the next measurement, it is possible to keep accurate time using it because its frequency is precisely known. Fortunately, AVR devices provide additional internal modules that make it feasible to implement this approach.