Universal Media Disc - Wikipedia
The Universal Media Disc (UMD) is a discontinued optical disc medium developed by Sony for use on its PlayStation Portable handheld gaming and multimedia platform. It can hold up to 1.8 gigabytes of data and is capable of storing video games, feature-length films, and music.
通用媒體光碟 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
通用媒體光碟 (Universal Media Disc,简称 UMD),是 索尼電腦娛樂 (SCE)的 掌上型游戏机 PlayStation Portable (PSP)上首次应用的 光盘 規格。 这种光盘直径6厘米,装在圆形盒子裏,标准容量为1.8 Gigabyte,能够保存 游戏 、 音乐 、 视频 等。 有人誤以為 MiniDisc 與UMD是同一系列的儲存媒體,但事實上除了尺寸相近以外,這兩者並不相容。 为防止 盗版 和保证该项技术的独占权,UMD只在PSP上使用,没有任何UMD空白盘或者UMD刻录机在市场上出售。 但尽 …
索尼为什么在PSP上推出专用的UMD光盘,而不使用不使用MD盘 …
从存储介质本身来说,umd是md/himd光碟的次世代,md容量有几百m,himd大概有1g,umd则是2g。 同期两种常用存储介质中闪存容量小价格又贵,IBM/日立搞得微型硬盘(microdrive)倒是容量大又便宜,就是那个质量和寿命 。
通用媒体光盘 - 百度百科
通用媒体光盘(Universal Media Disc,简称UMD)是索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)的 掌上型游戏机 PlayStation Portable (PSP)上首次应用的 光盘 规格。 这种光盘直径6厘米,装在圆形盒子里,标准容量为1.8 Gigabyte,能够保存 游戏 、 音乐 、 视频 等。 有人误以为 MiniDisc 与UMD是同一系列的存储媒体,但事实上除了尺寸相近以外,这两者并不兼容。 为防止 盗版 和保证该项技术的独占权,没有任何UMD空白盘或者UMD刻录机在市场上出售。 但尽管如此UMD其中的内容 …
Universal Media Disc - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
The Universal Media Disc (UMD) is an optical disc made by Sony for their PlayStation Portable handheld console. It can hold up to 900 megabytes (single layer) or 1.8 gigabytes (double layer) of data. The disc can store games, music, and video, along with updates for the PSP.
Sony PlayStation Portable UMD (2004 – 2014) - Museum of …
The Universal Media Disc (UMD) was an optical disc format introduced by Sony in 2004 for use on the PlayStation Portable (PSP) handheld gaming and multimedia device, the only device that UMD was ever implemented on. The PlayStation Portable was a seventh-generation console that competed with the Nintendo DS.
Universal Media Disc - PSP Developer wiki
2023年3月25日 · The Universal Media Disc (UMD) is an optical disc medium developed by Sony for use on the PlayStation Portable. It can hold up to 1.8 gigabytes of data. It is considered the first optical disc format to be used for a handheld video game system.
UMD™ (Universal Media Disc) Approved by Ecma International as …
2005年6月24日 · UMD is a compact (60mm in diameter) but large capacity universal disc medium introduced by the Sony Group, offering up to 1.8GB in storage capacity. UMD provides multiple logical layers* (2) within its physical format, according to the different types of content.
UMD : r/minidisc - Reddit
2019年11月4日 · I think Sony went with UMD over Minidisc because a dual layer UMD could hold significantly more data (1.8 GB vs Minidisc’s 0.140 GB or Hi-MD’s 1GB) but they could have also been worried about piracy since Minidisc players were all writers as well and there was no way to make a UMD on your own.
Universal Media Disc - Wikiwand
The Universal Media Disc (UMD) is a discontinued optical disc medium developed by Sony for use on its PlayStation Portable handheld gaming and multimedia platform. It can hold up to 1.8 gigabytes of data and is capable of storing video games, feature-length films, and music.
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