Unified Modeling Language - Wikipedia
The unified modeling language (UML) is a general-purpose visual modeling language that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system. [1] UML provides a standard notation for many types of diagrams which can be roughly divided into three main groups: behavior diagrams, interaction diagrams, and structure diagrams.
What is Unified Modeling Language (UML)? - Visual Paradigm
UML, short for Unified Modeling Language, is a standardized modeling language consisting of an integrated set of diagrams, developed to help system and software developers for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems.
Unified Modeling Language (UML) Diagrams - GeeksforGeeks
2025年1月2日 · Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standardized visual modeling language used to represent and communicate complex system designs, facilitating collaboration among stakeholders in software development.
What is Unified Modeling Language - Lucidchart
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) was created to forge a common, semantically and syntactically rich visual modeling language for the architecture, design, and implementation of complex software systems both structurally and behaviorally. UML has applications beyond software development, such as process flow in manufacturing.
什么是UML?为什么要用UML? - CSDN博客
2020年7月6日 · UML是Unified Model Language的缩写,中文是统一建模语言,是由一整套图表组成的标准化建模语言。 为什么要用UML? 通过使用UML使得在 软件 开发之前, 对整个软件设计有更好的可读性,可理解性,从而降低开发风险。 同时,也能方便各个开发人员之间的交流。 UML提供了极富表达能力的建模语言,可以让软件开发过程中的不同人员分别得到自己感兴趣的信息。 Page-Jones 在《Fundamental Object-Oriented Design in UML》 一书中总结了UML的 …
什么是统一建模语言(UML)? - Visual Paradigm
UML 是统一建模语言的简称,它是一种由一整套图表组成的标准化建模语言。 UML用于帮助系统开发人员阐明,展示,构建和记录软件系统的产出。 UML代表了一系列在大型而复杂系统建模中被证明是成功的做法,是开发面向对象软件和软件开发过程中非常重要的一部分。 UML主要使用图形符号来表示软件项目的设计,使用UML可以帮助项目团队沟通、探索潜在的设计和验证软件的架构设计。 以下我们将向您详细介绍什么是UML、UML的历史以及每个UML图类型的描述,辅之 …
What is UML - Unified Modeling Language
The OMG's Unified Modeling Language™ (UML®) helps you specify, visualize, and document models of software systems, including their structure and design, in a way that meets all of these requirements.
Unified Modeling Language (UML) description, UML diagram …
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard visual modeling language to document business processes and software architecture using several types of diagrams - use case diagrams, class, package, component, composite structure diagrams, deployments, activities, interactions and profiles.
What is Unified Modeling Language (UML)? | Definition from …
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard notation for modeling real-world objects as a first step in designing an object-oriented system. Its notation is derived from and unifies the notations of three object-oriented design and analysis methodologies:
2021年7月8日 · UML是面向对象设计的建模工具,独立于任何具体程序设计语言。 UML的本质是为了更好地交流。 基于UML的可视化 模型,使系统结构直观、易于理解;使用UML进行软件系统的模型不但有利于系统开发人员和系统用户的交流,还有利于系统维护。 它可以使用代码生成器工具将UML模型转换为多种程序设计语言代码,如可生成C++,XML,DTD,JAVA, Visual basic等语言的代码,或使用反向生成器工具将程序 源代码 转换为UML;甚至还可以生成关系数据库中的 …